U1 Passage A
1. 这场给人类带来巨大灾难的战争对这样一个诗人产生了什么影响呢?
How did the war, which brought terrible disasters to mankind, impact on such a poet.
2. 做母亲的有时候不能察觉她们所深爱的孩子们的过错,这样做的结果会使孩子们再次犯错.
Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children which will cause the children to make the same mistake again.
3. 作为一个在这个完全陌生国度的新移民,她总是感觉到孤立无援.
As a new immigrant in this completely strange country she always felt isolated.
4. 做事不先考虑常会导致失败,因此我们应该三思而后行
Acting before thinking often results in failure, so