专家邀请函 letter of recommendation 致申请人(to the appicant) 申请人必须向申请做博士后单位提交两份《专家邀请函》.申请人在下栏中填好自己的姓名和所申请的单位名称后,将此表分送两位了解和熟悉自己的专家(其中一位是申请人的博士生指导教师).为方便专家填写邀请函意见后将其退回申请人,请申请人在下面的栏目中详细写明自己的通信地址. applicant should have two letters or recommendation submitted from professors or others who can assess the quality of his/her academic performance ,capability and potential of research. please ask to have these the letters sent directly to the institution to which you are applying returned to yo