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人教版八上期末单词短语复习 词汇变形 1.predict→prediction(名词) 2.build→built(过去式) 3.environment→environmental(形容词) 4.peace→peaceful(形容词) 5.danger→dangerous(形容词) 6.factory→factories(复数) 7.Japan→Japanese(形容词) 8.believe→believed(过去式) 9.agree→disagree(反义词) 10.fall→fell(过去式) 11.human→humans(复数) 12.possible→impossible(反义词) 13.probable→probably(副词) 14.holiday→holidays(复数) 15.shake→shook(过去式) 16.blend→Blender(名词) 17.final→finally(副词) 18.dig→dug(过去式) 19.hole→whole(同音词) 20.sanwich→sanwiches(复数) 21.tradition→traditional(形容词) 22.celebrate→celebrated(过去式) →celebration(名词) 23.mix→mixes(第三人称单数形式)→mixed(过去式) 24.serve→service(名词)服务→servant(名词,指人)仆人 25.prepare→prepared(过去式)→preparing(现在分词) 26.examination→exam(缩写形式) 27.catch→caught(过去式) 28.invite→invited(过去式) 29.weekday→weekdays(复数) 30.invite→invitation(名词) 31.reply→replied(过去式) 32.prepare→preparation(名词) 33.with→without(反义词) 34.surprise→surprising(形容词,修饰物)→surprised(形容词,修饰人) 35.open→opening(名词) 36.meet→meeting(名词) 37.organize→organization(名词)组织→organizer(名词)组织者→organized(形容词) 38.taxi→taxis(复数) 39.advice→advise(动词) 40.travel→traveled(过去式) →travelling(现在分词)→traveller(名词)旅行者 41.certain→certainly(副词) 42.anger→angry(形容词)→angrily(副词) 43.understand→understanding(形容词)→understood(过去式) 44.careful→careless(反义词) 45.he →himself(反身代词) 46.advise→advice(名词) →advised(过去式) 47.solve→solved(过去式) 二、常考短语 go on vacation___________ go out外出(娱乐) ___________相当多 ___________给……的感觉;感受到 5. ___________决定做某事 6. ___________.设法/尝试做某事 7.___________一直做…… 8.hardly ever___________ 9.once a week一周一次 10. ___________使用互联网 11.stay up (late) ___________ 12. ___________考虑 13. ___________一点儿也不…… 14. ___________多于 15. ___________…的答案 16.ask sb. about sth.________ 17.be talented in___________ 18. ___________和……相同 19.make sb. laugh逗某人笑 20. ___________只要 21. ___________与……不同 22. ___________与……相像的 23. 数以百计的 24. 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌 25. 寻找;寻求 26. 接通;打开 27.________切碎 28. 一片;一块;一条 29. 与…有关系 30. 一个接一个;逐个 31. 有....相同之处 32. 盼望;期待 33. 接到信、电话等 34.be sb.生某人的气 35.be sth.因某事生气 36. __ 分成两半 37. 犯错误 38. 最后;终于 39. 挣钱 40. 逃走;逃跑 41. 代替某人 42. 关于;与…有关系 43. ____________学着/开始做 44. 活到200岁 ______________ 45. 许多;大量 ____________ 46. 用……盖住 _____________ 47. 将…混合在一起 ____________ 48. 去看医生________________ 49. 参与,发挥作用 ____________ 50. ____________与…交流 51.去看医生___________ 52.为……做准备 ____________ 53.闲逛;常去某处__________ 54.照料;照顾____________ 55.拒绝 ____________ 56.在本月底 ____________ 57.去旅行____________ 58.盼望;期待 ___________ 59.(帮助……)分担工作、解决难题_________ 60.保守秘密_____________ 61.因某事而生气___________ 62.逃离,逃跑_____________ 63.代替,替换___________ 64.确信,对…有把握________ 65.最好做某事___________ 66.have...in common______________ 67. again多次;反复地 68. ____________编造(故事、谎言等) 69. ____________把……和……联系起来 70. ___________练习做某事 71. 参与(某事) 期末练习 一、单项选择 1.-Linda always gets good grades. How does she make it? -I think she is one of________ students in our class. A. hard-working B. more hard-working C. most hard-working D. the most hard-working 2.-Are there any good ways to save water, Miss Wang? -Many. ________ ,turn off the tap(水龙头) when brushing your teeth. A. In fact B. In all C. At last D. For example 3.Of all students, Jason always finishes the writing________ .Nobody else can have such great ideas. A. the most creative B. most creatively C. more creatively D. more creative 4.-Shall we go to the amusement park right away or the day after tomorrow? -________ .Either is OK. A. Excuse me B. Have a goodtime C. It's up to you D. I am afraid I can't 5.-Do you like________ film Nice View(《奇迹·笨小孩》)? -Yes. I think it's________ educational film and I like it very much. A. the; an B. a; an C. a; the D. the; a 6.Bob’s dream _________ sports. He wants to be a basketball player. A.moves to B.looks after C.has to do with D.grows up 7.If you leave, Laura can ________. She knows much more about the work. A.dress up B.fall down C.make sure D.take your place 8.With the “double reduction” (双减), students have much ________ time to do after-school activities. A.many B.much C.more D.most 9.Don’t worry. The room is ________ for the family of five. A.high enough B.enough high C.large enough D.enough large 10.There ________ a sports meeting in our school next Friday. A.is going to have B.will have C.is going to be D.Is 二、完形填空 There is some 1 for you to follow in order to learn English well. Firstly, it’s a good way 2 your English 3 reading, so do more reading every day, but 4 try to translate every word when you read an English article. Secondly, do more listening exercises. You should repeat the sentences 5 you hear them. It’s good 6 your pronunciation. Sometimes, we offer(提供) exercises to you to number the pictures in the right order, or find the mistakes in the sentences and then correct 7 . Thirdly, try to speak to foreigners. Don't be afraid of 8 mistakes. Take a deep breath and start a conversation with them. Always remember to enjoy yourself 9 English learning, 10 you will surely be good at it sooner or later.  Choose the best choice from A, B, C according to the passage you read. 1.A.advice B.advices C.information 2.A.improve B.to improve C.improving 3.A.with B.in C.by 4.A.no B.not to C.don’t 5.A.about B.before C.when 6.A.to B.with C.for 7.A.it B.them C.her 8.A.make B.making C.makes 9.A.in B.at C.by 10.A.and B.or C.but 答案 1.A2.B3.C4.C5.C6.C7.B8.B9.A10.A 三、阅读理解 Here are the New Year’s resolutions of my four friends. My name is Dave and I am from the United Kingdom. I’m going to drink more water and less cola. I’m also going to brush my teeth before breakfast and after dinner, and wash my hands before eating. My name is Tina and I am from the United States. I want to make more friends this year. I’m