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浪途 上传于:2024-06-12
第二章预习题是课后1-5题,课后1-3题也是第二周测试题。 第三章预习题  1、什么是2Χ2Χ1,2ΧNΧ1,2Χ2Χ3,2Χ2Χ2的分析框架(假定)?    2、国际贸易理论力图解释的两大问题是什么?    3、用什么经济学分析工具表示贸易利得(gains from trade)?    4、如何判断贸易模式(the pattern of trade)?    5、如何决定短期合理生产区间?(请复习微观经济学的短期生产理论)    6、如果技术进步,边际产量线(MP)如何变化?    7、如果土地数量增加,边际产量线(MP)如何变化?    8、在特定要素模型中,如果土地数量增加,食物产量如何变化?为什么?    9、在特定要素模型中,请用几何图形推导生产可能性边界和相对供给曲线。   10、如果土地数量增加,一国的生产可能性边界和相对供给曲线如何变化? 第三章测试题型 In the Specific Factors Model, suppose there are 1000 workers. MPLM=250-0.2LM; MPLF=350-0.3LF. PM=PF=1. Determine the Labor used in manufactures and the income of capital owners. Determine the Labor used in food and the income of landowners. What is the equilibrium relative price of manufactures? In the Specific Factors Model, suppose there are 1000 workers. MPLM=250-0.2LM; MPLF=350-0.3LF. PM=2,PF=1. Determine the Labor used in manufactures and the income of capital owners. Determine the Labor used in food and the income of landowners. What is the equilibrium relative price of manufactures? 第四章的课堂讨论题(预习题)     1、在2Χ2Χ2的分析框架(假定)下,如何用经济学分析工具表示布是劳动密集、食物是土地密集?    2、在其它条件不变,而工资提高时,布与食物的相对价格如何变化,为什么?    3、当布与食物的相对价格提高时,生产布和食物的土地-劳动比率如何变化?为什么?如何用经济学分析工具进行说明?    4、在2Χ2Χ2的分析框架(假定)下,劳动力数量增加将使布与食物的产量如何变化?为什么?如何用经济学分析工具进行说明?    5、在2Χ2Χ2的分析框架(假定)下,请用几何图形推导生产可能性边界和相对供给曲线,表明贸易模式,总结H-O定理。    6、在2Χ2Χ2的分析框架(假定)下,自由贸易使工资和地租如何变化?为什么?请用经济学分析工具进行说明。    7、国际贸易四大定理是什么?请表述这些定理 测试题是本章课后的计算题 第五章课堂讨论题(预习题) v1、在标准贸易模型的框架下,请用经济学工具表示一国的社会福利 v2、在标准贸易模型的框架下,请用经济学工具表示得自贸易的利益 v3、在标准贸易模型的框架下,请用经济学工具表示得自贸易的利益增加(贸易条件的福利效应) v4、在标准贸易模型的框架下,请用经济学工具表示贸易条件的决定 v5、请论述经济增长的源泉(原因) v6、请用经济学工具表示经济增长的类型,不同类型经济增长如何改变PPF?PPF 的变化如何改变RS v7、请用经济学工具表示Immiserizing growth v8、What is the international transfer? How international transfer shifts the RD curve? Why? What is the effect of a transfer on the terms of trade? v9、How a tariff shift the RD curve and the RS curve ? Why? What is the effect of a tariff on the terms of trade? 10、How an export subsidy shift the RD curve and the RS curve ? Why? What is the effect of an export subsidy on the terms of trade?   第六章课堂讨论题(预习题) v1、What is economies of scale? Give an example that suggest how mutually beneficial trade can arise as a result of economies of scale. v2、How does thr fime choose the output and price in perfect competition market ?  v3、How does thr fime choose the output and price in monopoly market ?  v4、Why do the internal economies of scale lead to a breakdown of perfect competition? v5、Determine the relationship between the number of firms and the industry price in monopolisticlly competitive market. v6、Determine the relationship between the number of firms and its average cost in monopolisticlly competitive market. v7、Determine the equilibrium in monopolisticlly competitive market. v8、What is the effect of a larger market on the equilibrium in monopolisticlly competitive market. v9、Please offer a diagrammatic example of dumping. 第八、九章预习题是全部课后练习题。这些练习题都将作为各周测试题。请提前准备。 第十二章的课堂讨论题(预习题) 1.What is the national income identity for an open economy? 2.What is the national saving for an open economy? 3.What is thefundamental balance of payment identity for an open economy? 第十三章的课堂讨论题(预习题) 1.Explain the interest parity? 2.How changes in the current exchange rate affect expected return? 3.How changes in the euro interest rate affect the current exchange rate ? 4.How changes in the dollar interest  rate affect the current exchange rate ? 5.How changes in the expectation affect the current exchange rate ? CH14 What are the roleswhich money plays? What is money? What are thefactors that determine the amount of money an individual desire to hold?