
人教版九年级 unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固(word 版, 含答案).doc

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人教版九年级 unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固(word 版, 含答案).doc第1页
人教版九年级 unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固(word 版, 含答案).doc第2页
人教版九年级 unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固(word 版, 含答案).doc第3页
人教版九年级 unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固(word 版, 含答案).doc第4页
人教版九年级 unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固(word 版, 含答案).doc第5页
人教版九年级 unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固(word 版, 含答案).doc第6页
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人教版九年级Unit 4 词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固 根据首字母填空或提示,填写单词。 I d not go out alone at night because I am afraid. China is A country while Italy is E country. Though it rained hard this morning, nobody was a in our class. Every time I asked Tom about that question, he just keep s or smiled. The volunteer group has a great i on people all over the world. I can’t hear what he’s saying on the tape. There’s too much b noise. We shouldn’t speak loudly in p , because it is also a kind of pollution. You'll f your next exam unless you start to work hard at your lessons now. Paul wore a suit to his job i so that he would make a good impression. The B people won’t touch you or push past you when you are in their way. We will have a two-month holiday after the entrance e for senior high school. The (非洲的) doctors hope to work with the Chinese medical team once again. Some students (很少) have breakfast in the morning to sleep a few more minutes. His speech was so h that he could only continue when the laughter died down. At the beginning of his first class, Mr. Wang gave us a g introduction about chemistry. His opinion is similar to mine, but the ways we (处理) with this problem are different. Listening to light music is one of the most h ways to relax yourself when you feel tired. It’s said that dragons are powerful animals which (保卫) the whole nation in ancient China. I wonder when you will be free to give us a (演讲) about Chinese food history at our school. With the i of“Double Reduction”policy (双减政策), the students have more time to to take part in kinds of activities. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 The girl kept herself away from the (crowded) at the party. We failed (climb) the mountain because of the bad weather. The scientist’s (speak) made us very excited. We were ( pride) that we won first prize in the game. The girl’s face turned red because of her (shy). Some of my new classmates are (Africa). I think computers are the most (help) invention. He comes from a (Europe) country. After hearing the bad news, they walked home in (silent). What a mess!Your room requires (clean). He is afraid of (speak) in front of a group. Dictionaries are used to (look) up new words. Could you please tell me (exact) what the teacher said? He didn't dare (speak) in front of the people. Our headmaster is talking with the (interview) in his office. He (use) to cry about little things, but now he seldom cries. The number of the students (be) about six hundred in our school. It (be) three years since we last saw our primary school classmates. However, Li Wen was shy and was not able (make) friends quickly in school. Lily used to (watch) TV first when she comes back home, but now she is used to (do) her homework. 词汇拓展。 humor (n.) — (adj. 幽默的) friend (n.) — (adj. 友好的) silent (adj.)— (n. 寂静)— (adj. 安静的)— (adj. 一动不动的) outgoing (adj.) — (反义词) help (v.&n.) — (adj. 有帮助的) — (adj. 无助的) interview (n. & v.) — (n. 采访者,主面试者)— (n. 被采访者,参加面试者) deal (v.) — (过去式) (过去分词) shy (adj.) — (n. 害羞) crowd (n.) — (adj. 拥挤的)— (adj. 不拥挤的) private (adj) — (n. 隐私) — (adj. 公开的) possible (adj.) — (反义词) — (adv. 可能) require (v.)— (n. 要求) fight (v.)— (过去式) — (过去分词) Europe (n.)— (adj. 欧洲人的) Africa (n.) — (adj. 非洲人的) Britain (v.&n.)— (adj. 英国人的) absent (adj.)— (n. 缺席)— (adj. 出席的,在场的) fail (v.)— (n. 失败) — (v. 成功) — (n. 成功) examination (n.)— (缩写) unhappy (adj.)— (n. 不高兴) exact (adj.)— (adv. 确切地) pride (n.)— (adj. 骄傲的) general (adj.)— (adv. 通常) introduce (v.)— (n. 介绍) compete (v.)— (n. 比赛) — (adj. 有竞争的) — (n. 竞争者) 短语复习。 1. 过去常常做某事 2. 像…… 3. 足够勇敢去做某事 4. 对……感兴趣 5. 在游泳队 6. 时常;有时 7. 如此棒的一个主意 8. 考试取得好成绩 9. 一位19岁的亚洲流行歌星 10. 从事唱歌来克服她的害羞 11. 敢在她的同学面前唱歌 12. 不再…… 13. 一直 14. 无论我走到哪儿都能吸引大量注意 15. 担心某事/某人 16. 小心…… 17. 准备好放弃你的正常生活 18. 想着放弃 19. 奋力坚持下去 20. 少数的 21. 攀上成功之巅 22. 读关于欧洲历史的书 23. 害怕一个人待着 24. 公开演讲 25. 其他昆虫 26. 对……感到紧张 27. 逃课 28. 考试不及格 29. 做决定 30. 建议某人做某事 31. 亲自 32. 坐24小时的火车 33. 对……感到骄傲 34. 在过去的几年里 35. 对某人有很大的影响 36. 在工作面试中做一个大概的自我介绍 37. 篮球比赛打得好 完成句子。 我过去常常看到他每天在图书馆里读书。 I see him in the library every day. 奶奶总是亲自下厨房为我们做饭。 Grandma always cooks for us in the kitchen. 你不再年轻了。你应该学会如何照顾你自己。 You are young. You should learn how to yourself. 他做了一个艰难的决定:放弃学业去打工赚钱。 He : leave school to work for money. 你哥哥多么高大强壮呀! and your brother is! 我的老师对我影响很大。 My teacher great me. 我的朋友们时常来看我。 My friends come to see me . 虽然这么大了,她还是怕狗。 Although she is so old, she dogs. 我们的老师要求我们在词典中查这个单词。 Our teacher asked us the word in the diction