CC) ELWhats he weatherlikey
《) 2WhatwasJims father doing lastnight?
《) 3Whatdoes John usually doafterschooly
《4Whatwould UncleLilike?
《CD 5Whichistherightpicture ?
B.听对话,先答案 (5%6)
人) LNWhatdoes the man wantio buy forhis wife?
AAbag, BAdnss。 CNWe dontknow:
《) 2.Which is the most popular subjectatschool
ALAr 。 BPE。 CMusic
《3Whattime didJim gohome?
AT15 BT00 C645
CC 4Whichis cheaper
ATheapple ,BThe pear, CThe orange,
CC) SWhatdoes SueaskJacktodo?
ASheasksJack to go to Suzhou