Filin each blank with the correct word given. Change the form of the word
inecessary.用所给单词完成句子,必要时可改变单词的形式。(每空 3 分)
uiet play ride ask get
1,Don't stressed our Ifs nothealthy
2,Paulis never 1He can'tstop alking.
3,Are you soccer this weekend?
4 ITwantto you about places to visitin China
5 Iliketo my bike on the weekend
,Choose the bestanswerin the following ,单项选择。(每题 2 分)
1 Heis not wel( )
Afeel Bfeeling 。 C.shouldfeel 。 D.felt
2.fttookus to walktothefactorylast Sanurda