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长夜未央 上传于:2024-07-05
Meeting and Making Friends on Campus What you can do when you find yourself in school without enough friends ? Making friends on campus is not the easiest thing to do especially when you are new on campus or you go are several methods that are not difficult to master and you many find easy when you try them out . Start by looking around at people you tend to see frequently , such as , people you can see in your class , dorms and dinning areas .Often an easy way to start a conversation is to focus on an area of obvious common interest . For example before or after class , ask , “ did you get the assignment for next week “ . , or “ what did you think of the professor’s theory of . . . “ . Be sure to introduce yourself before the end of the conversation . If your campus has a dining facility cafe or coffee car ,then there will be more opportunities for meeting people .After you’re introduced yourself and talked about class , it’s the perfect time to ask the other people to join you for a cap of coffee .Once you are at the table it should be easier to talk to about where you are form , what is your major , what you are think of the class , is it easy or hard . It will be much easier to suggest meeting again for coffee , or to meeting socially off campus . Put yourself where there are other people that you will see over and over . Join a club , interest group or sports team . For some people this meas joining a fraternity on sorority , which is good way to meet people in other ways . Get a job writing for the school newspaper . Check the school paper and web site for social events . Concerts and cultural events are good way to meeting people with common interest in a relaxed setting . Obviously if you live in a dormitory you will have chances to in your dorm p\floor as well as the dorm cafeteria . Make it a point of in