以下,是这次环球托福为正在进行托福备考的考友们整理了托福TPO24阅读真题及答案 Lake Breathing During Sleep 。我们建议考友们,先做真题,后看答案进行验证自己的正确率。之后,环球托福还会进一步推出托福TPO24阅读真题的做题思路讲解分析,做完真题后,更便于提高托福阅读能力。
托福TPO24阅读真题Breathing During Sleep
Breathing During Sleep
Of all the physiological differences in human sleep compared with wakefulness that have been discovered in the last decade, changes in respiratory control are most dramatic. Not only are there differences in the level of the functioning of respiratory systems, there are even changes i