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长亭外古道边 上传于:2024-07-02
商务英语沟通考试重点 第一章:How to apply for the ideal job 1. Here are some good ways make your application letter stand out (1)Look for something unusual in your experience or qualifications. (2)Make the contents of your letter appropriate for the job. (3)Avoid annoying phrases (4)Get someone to read your letter before you send it (5)Keep the letter short (6)Mention the organization (7)Make your letter physically easy to read (8)Remember to state which job you are applying for (9)Be realistic (10)Check again. 2. What to mention in your letter or e-mail (1)You meet the specifications for the job (2)The things that make you stand out. 第二章:The resume and the interview 1. The resume must be included: (1)Personal information: Full name in Chinese characters and Pinyin ; Address; Telephone number ; Age indicated by date of birth ; Gender ; e-mail address ; Fax number ; Photograph (2)Qualification (3)Education (4)Previous employment (5)Skills (6)Interests and hobbies (7)Future career 2. What do you do now in interview? You must know everything: (1)The company (2) The job (3) The business environment. (4)The business culture of the company (5) Existing employees (6)Focus areas (7) Salary 3Tips (面试中的技巧) Names , underline your family name Eye contact , eye contact is very important Sit comfortably, visual impression are important. 第三章:Spoken business communication 1. 出色演讲三步骤: Preparing for the talk The audience, The introduction. Preparing the content Visual aids The venue The length Be ready for questions Structure A clear introduction is essential Then you move onto the main part of your presentation Finally you must have a conclusion More practice 2.演讲过程中的技巧 (1) Look at them and smile. (2) Take your time (3)Eye contact (4) Gestures (5)Do not just read your speaking notes (6)Pause and volume (7) Sum up (8) Do not run away 第四章:同事沟通及客户沟通 1.Problem communications (问题沟通几条原则) (1) Stay calm (2) Listen (3) Do not assume (4) Explain clearly (5)Speak clearly (6) Ask for details (7) Check and respond 2言语沟通的有效性检验 (1)Action (2) Checking (3) Listen (4) Ask for suggestions (5)Lead your ideas into the ideas of the other person (6) Explain clearly (7)Ask for suggestions again (8)Offer to revise (9)Checking 第五章:Written Communication(书面沟通) 1.书面沟通的形式包括: (1)A short list of points (2)A huge documents consisting of hundreds of page (3)A letter (4)A note (5)An agenda (6)Minutes of meeting (7)A proposal (8)A description (9)A biography (10)Job application 2.内容撰写过程(5W1H) What why when who where how 3.书面沟通小技巧 (1)Size matters (字体) (2)Use white space (间距) (3)Read aloud (边读边写) 第六章:Business meeting (商务会议) 1.开会的原因: (1)To communicate policies (2)To issue instructions (3)To listen to views (4)To hold discussions (5)To ensure that everyone is aware of what is going on (6)To review experiences and future action (7)To provide written records 2.各种类型的会议风格 (1)Authoritarian The boss is very much the top person. He or she is there to give orders and the others are there to receive instructions. He or she make proposals, allows only a brief discussion and then ask for endorsement of the decision. You want an experienced leader to draw on his knowledge and skill and issue orders for action that will solve a problem. (2)Inclusive The person in charge seeks to involve all present in the discussion. He or she seeks out alternative viewpoints, repeatedly ask for opinions, and ask if everyone thinks the proposed course of action is appropriate. Decision can be difficult to reach or them may be avoided completely. There is a danger that each person present can go away with a different impression of what has been decided. (3)Combat There are meeting where strongly held and position are presented, attacked and defended. People may argue and disagree. (4)Routine Some meetings can be very structured. Project meeting often have to be routine in order that progress can be tracked effectively. Everyone has to meet at the same time at the same place and a very ordered of reporting is used. E.g.: Board meetings, executive committee meeting (5)Informal Focus groups and brainstorming sessions, where new trends and ideas are identified and developed. 3.Good written records have many attractions,(好的会议纪要包括以下要素) (1)They contain full information about when and where the meeting took place. (2)They record the names of the people taking part. (3)They list people who did not attend. (4)They record who made what decision. (5)They list point for action (6)They are short and concise. (7)They remove duplications. (8)They are easy to access and can be held in electronic form. 第七章:cross-cultural business commucations 1. Phenomena which influence cultures 文化影响的表现形式 (1) Time and punctuality. 时间观念与守时。Northern European backgrounds tend to be very strict about adhering to time. Spanish or Italian person may feel that being 10 or 15 minutes late is not really a problem. (2) Formality. 礼节。Japanese and Korean people are likely to be very formal than individuals from the western United States. (3) Attitudes. 态度。 Other cultures see them in a more flexible way and feel that if condition change, then it is only natural to vary an agreement. The relationship is much more important than what is written down on paper. (4) Socializing. 社交活动。Socializing is usually separate from business in some cultures. The office is the office—and activities outside work have nothing to do with business relationships. In other cultures, almost all im