思was American wrien oneafdhegreatsstwiersinthewoaal
Cawmats neweahermleodayy
it wasyeendey
Alaeras 。 Bashoteriban
Cashots Daoioeras
CD aho achesyouousetecompuen Nobaly etat_
Am Bour comekes 。 Doum
Cat it amonowlwilhavetosayatheme
Awilaaw Banw Carows Danoued
CD swilyouplase my mobem
Analeamoomr Bamaleroomi
Camake oms for Damake oom for
(6 mansaor
Abaaesonics ussonies
Cisrealyniceofyon DYoaarereal good
三、阅读理解: (1090)
Tedwasafnidafwater His fiends toughthe would neverleam asyim
oneday Tedwentfiqing Hesatanderabig ety he rer Whenhe wasfihing heheard
Some sounds above him .He looked up and saw abird and her babies in a nest(久窜)in the tree.
Suadonly oneaf he baby bis ll fom he nestinto he rvec ls nather uiokly lew down
and tied to helpitoutofthe river Butif failed(失败)"Tmust save the bind "thought Ted Without
hinking ,he jumped into he water He moved his amms and kicked(踢)his legs madly(和猛烈地) To
人sumprise hedidntao down inlo the waler rTmswiominglr he shouted_He eaughtihebindand
okitouterte water Thenhe patitback into he nest Alerthat he was notaidofthe water
CD HTedsfiendshonahtthathe wouldneverlam osvimbeeauve
了 Tel wasafnidofwater
CTed tke fshing beterthansnimming
D Tadwas ooyoumg niam nsyim
CD amatjunpadinotervero
eachatfsh 。 Bakhabi
Ceamswin 。 Dihapuhebid autofthewaier
CD 3WhenTeaddeitediojumpimomerkerhe
A wasmotafnidofthewaer BIOLWWKoruheaanesr
Csassuetheeoulssimn Dankdtolam ossim
(4mnutheend Tedleamedioswim
A fom he baby bind with hehelp ofhis fends
CC by nimself D_with hehelp ofhis mather
CC) SAfersaving hebaby bird momherverTed
AL wasnolongerafnaid ofwater B became mere afnaidof water
Cno longer wentfishing Denjoyed swinming with his ficnds
People hate mice buteveryone laves the famous mouse -Mickey Mouse,
Fify years ago most films weresile