Assignment 3
The Lure of the Modern: Writing Modernism in Semicolonial China, 1917-1937
Chinese modernism departs further from the usual binary models of the non-West’s confrontation with the West—“China versus the West” or “East versus West.”
Most significant in this regard was the prominent role played by Japan as the mediating transmitter of Western culture and a potent force in the formation of Chinese modernism.
This triangular relationship is indicative of the political and cultural condition of China under multiple domination from Euro-American and Japanese imperialisms, which in turn problematizes the China/West binary model privileged in comparative culture studies.
Translation journal: “problematize”的意思是“产生问题”,所以这里翻译为“产生了许多值得探讨的问题”。
“Modern Japan,” which was dramatically transformed by the modernization campaigns in the wake of the Meiji Restoration (1868), played a number of important roles for Chinese intellectuals.
Translation journal: “Modern Japan”不能翻译为“现代日本”,这段论述都是在讨论亚洲近代历史,所以这里翻译为“近代日本”才符合学术论文的严谨。
Japan was the sole Asian example of successful Westernization and hence the primary model for similar efforts in China; it was the pan-Asianist ally in the struggle against Western imperialism for nationalists like Sun Yat-sen; it loomed as the imperialist tiger hungering for Chinese territory; and it also mediated Western literature through Japanese translations and other productive cultural forms.
The complex relationship between Japan and China not only refracts the China-West binary model of confrontation, but sometimes displaces the role of Western modernism entirely.
Translation journal: 后面的两个分句其实是并列的结构,所以翻译时使用“不但...而且...”,“但”改为“而且”。
The binary model therefore limits understanding of non-Western modernism by solipsistic ally honoring the hegemonic, narcissistic West as the ultimate frame of reference, and reinforces the construction of the West as the Hegelian third term triumphant in its successful absorption of the non-West.
Translation journal:“盲目崇拜张扬霸权和自恋主义西方的行为,即成为了最终的参考依据”句子逻辑关系混乱,应修改为“唯我独尊的,以为自我为中心的西方霸权主义国家对非西方国家现代主义的理解”。
Debunking the myths of Eurocentric modernism and the binary model of cultural confrontation