巡隐二(Lingyin Temple)位于浙江省俩州市西湖的再北部。它是江南著名古简。该寺建于公元 326 年,有 1600 多年
了一座唐字,取名"灵隐",意思 是隐藏的灵魂。据说著名的济公和尚也是在这座寺庙扳依的,这使灵隐寺更加有名。
Uingyin Temple is located in the northwest side of West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province_Itis a famous ancient
templeinthe south of the Yangtze River The temple was buittin 326 AD and has a history of over 1.600 years
Legend has itthat an Indian monknamed Huili came to Hangzhou and was deeply attracted by the beautiful
mountainous scenery He thought there lvedjmmortals and then he buitta temple and namedit Lingyin' which
means hidden souls ltis said that the famous monk Jigong also took vowsin the temple which made Lingyin
Temple even more famous,
《5-1) 灵隐去(Lingyin Temple)们于浙江省杭川市西湖的古北部。它是江南著名十
Linyin Temple located to the north west of Xihu Lake in Hangzhou etiy of province Zhengjiang,is a famous ancient
temple in the south of Yangtze River
Uingyin Temple is located in the northwest side of West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province_Itis a famous anclent
templein the south of the Yangtze River
如隐寺(Lingyin Temple)
再湖 West Lake
江南 the south of the Yangtze River
afamous ancient temple 普名古和
浙江省裔州市 Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
iocated in the northwest side of West Lake 位于再湖的西北部【西北部、醒北)
《5-2) 该地建于公元 326 年,有 1600 多年的历史
The temple was buittin AD 326, having a history of over 1600 years
参考答案;The temple was built in 326 AD and has a history of over 1,600 years.
二AD 326 公元 326 年
AD nm.公元;广告 (ad) ;活动目录(Active Directory)
二1600 多年 over 1.600 years/more than
《5-3) 传说,印度一个叫作划再的和尚来到杭州,被这美丽的山区景色深深地吸引了。
Legend hasitsaid that a monk named Huii came to Hangzhou, attracted deeply by its beautiul mountain scenery
盘考答案,Legend hasitthat an Indian menk named Huili came to Hangzhou and was deeply attracted by the
beautiful mountainous scenery,
全Legend hasitsaid that 传说/thas Legend said that
IEaend as下放说 ,传
二an Indian monk named Hui 印度