肖宗娜 XIAO Zong-na
(广西国际商务职业技术学院,南宁 530007)
(Guangxi International Business Vocational College,Nanning 530007,China)
摘要: 通过分析广西国际商务职业技术学院金融专业学生银行从业资格考试通过率不高的原因,围绕提高银行从业资格考试通过率,从课程考核、教师、学生等方面提出金融专业教学改革的措施与设想。
Abstract: By analyzing the causes for the low pass rate of banking qualification examination of the finance specialty in Guangxi International Business Vocational College, this paper proposes the measures for the teaching reform of finance specialty from the course exami