工 尽忠职守,瓯奋工作,并且热爱荣亿相信自己的直觉。一一李奥贝纳 “Dedicated, hard
working trustyourinstincts and love ofalomy
2、那些青眶同伴的人,党常不知不觉地把自己也一起灭亡了。一一人素 “Of those who
rebelled againstfellow often unknowingly himselfalso perish together
3、一个好的教师是一个借得心理学和教育学的人,一一苏种如林斯基 ”Agood teacher is
aman who understand the psychology and pedagogy
4、平唐的人关心怎样费时间, 有才能的人竟力利用上时间。一一权本华 ”Average people are
concerned about how tospend time a man of talent trles to use time,
5、只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。一一塞内加 As long as the
continuous efforts un