摘要: 郭嵩焘是清末第一任外交公使,也是其所处时代的一位颇据争议性人物,面临世情之大变,他洞悉中国不能在闭关自守,而应走向世界。于是他从实际出发,认真分析中外历史现状,谋求新的中外国家之间的交往关系,提出了一整套特色鲜明、系统可行的外交思想,并就是时之中国外交战略提出设想,这无疑具有巨大的历史意义和现实意义。
关键词: 郭嵩焘 据理而行 应付之方 外交思想
【Abstract】 Guo Songtao, the first diplomatic envoy in the end of Qing dynasty, and he was also a very controversial figure in his time. Facing the great change of the world, Guo Songtao knew clearly that China couldn’t keep the door closed to the outside world any more and should open itself to the worl