I Really Want to Know 我真的很想知道
1.(1)Friday night I went off my diet.
(2)I dare say I deserved a good meal after losing the twenty pounds I gained from too many trips to Manhattan restaurants last year.
(3)My wife and I went to one of our favorite Houston restaurants to celebrate the successful conclusion of my diet.
2.(1)The food, as always, was wonderful.
(2)The service was even better than usual.
(3)I really would have given the restaurant top marks on every item—but I didn't.
(4)Why? We'll see in a moment. 但我没有.为什么?一会儿我们就知道了。
3.(1)It is admirable for an organization to want to measure
customer satisfaction.
(2) However, to do so correctly, the entire measurement process must be properly designed and implemented from start to finish.
(3) Proper questionnaire design is just the first step in the process.
(4) Equally as important is establishing a process of gathering data which will obtain a representative sample of customers, and which keeps bias to a minimum.
(5) This is where many organizations fail. This is where this particular restaurant failed.
4.(1)After we had finished our coffee, the waiter brought
over the check.
(2)With the check was a brief customer satisfaction survey.
One side of the questionnaire contained a note from the owner, beginning with the words “I really want to know”.
The other side of the questionnaire contained a few standard measurement items and room for comments.
What was a little different about this survey was that the questionnaire had already been filled out by the waiter.
On a scale of “excellent”, “good”, and “needs improvement”, the waiter had drawn a line through all the “excellent” boxes.
(1) As much as I enjoyed the service, I was not about to deposit a questionnaire that somebody else had completed into a ballot box.
(2) However, many people would return such a questionnaire without thinking twice.
6.(1)The owner of the restaurant is only fooling himself by keeping the current customer satisfaction measurement program in place.
(2)If he “really wants to know”, he would be better off asking someone to hand out postage-paid questionnaires to people as they left the restaurant.
7.(1) If you have a customer satisfaction measurement program in place, or if you are thinking of implementing one, we urge you to give as much attention to the distribution and collection process as you do to the questionnaire design.
Unit8 Career Trends 职业趋势
1.(1) According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the three hot career fields in the next decade are going to be information technology (IT), medical and fitness.
(2)The demand for workers in each of these fields is expected to double by 2010.
(1)It is no surprise that one of the fastest growing areas of employment in recent years relates to computer technology.
近年来人才需求增长速度最快的领域之一是计算机技术,这并不令人 吃惊。
(2)Technological advance ensures that this trend will continue for some time.
(3)System analysts, designers and developers, computer programmers, web developers, consultants and information managers reflect the range of these career areas.
(4)Hardware engineers are also needed, working in infrastructure construction and repair, cable, satellites, etc.
从事基础设施建设和维护、缆线、卫星等工作的硬件工程师也是需求 的对象。
3.(1)Another guaranteed growth is in the medical field.
(2)The increasing number of healthcare jobs is directly attributable to the ageing of the population and the expansion of treatments available for medical conditions.
(3) Medical assistants and nurses, home health advisers, and health information technicians will be in increased demand.
(4)As a result, there will also be an expansion in the number of administrative and support roles needing to be filled.
4The fitness field is also expected to expand in the next decade as people are becoming more and more health conscious in the face of mortality.
New services are developing that are opening out into recognized career fields.
Many of these are provided directly to the consumers.
Fitness management professionals will continue to enjoy a high market demand, as well as physical training coaches.
(5)All of these require degrees in the health field.
5.(1)The identification of future career trends is of some
help when you are seeking a career direction.
However, no matter how good the prospects are in an area of employment, your choice of career must depend primarily on an assessment of your own skills, abilities, personal qualities and interests.
It is also important to remember that the top requisites for success in any field are communication skills, positive mental attitude, and the ability to get along with people.
(4)Without these qualities, all the education and training in the world will not get you very far.
Unit 1 职场潮流
Each day, many people are looking for trends in workplace clothing, so that they can “fit in” with the fashionable or well-dressed crowd. They believe that dressing in the latest fashion trends may give them the reputation of being fashionable and trendy. While it is more than possible to do this, you need to display caution.
What many people do not realize is that there are a number of pros and cons of relying on workplace fashion trends. One of those pros was mentioned above. When you wear a fashionable outfit to work, there is a good chance that you will receive a lot of compliments on your outfit. This is a nice feeling and it is one that makes many feel proud.
But the truth is that there are many more cons of relying on workplace fashion trends than there are pros. For instance, workplace fashion trends do not always distinguish between jobs and careers. If you work at a trendy coffee shop or retail store, chances are that the dress code would be casual clothing. However, if you work at a law office or an insurance company, you may be required to dress more professionally. Unfortunately, many workplace fashion trends are designed for the working population in general, not specific careers. This is where you can run into trouble if you are not careful.
Before relying on workplace fashion trends, you will want to take a good, close look at the trend in question. For instance, does the trend require the wearing of a skirt or a dress, no matter what the length? If so, it is important that you look at what you do for a living. If you are in a professional office setting, a dress may be perfect for you. On the other hand though, if you work in a retail store as a manager, a dress or skirt may actually get in the way and hamper your efforts to work and be productive.
By wearing trendy workplace fashion pieces, many people are given compliments, but not always. The last thing that you want to do is get a bad name for yourself instead of compliments. That is why it is also advised that you take what others may think of you into consideration. You need to make sure that the impression that you would be making is a good one.
The decision as to whether or not you want to incorporate the latest workplace fashion trends into your wardrobe is yours to make, but please take the above-mentioned points into consideration before doing so.
Unit2 会议时间
The meeting spills over into its second hour. We are discussing a productivity initiative. At this moment, our most talkative member chimes in with the idea that we need some kind of system to reward employees. This is the same solution he offers for every problem at every meeting. Then, another member cuts in with a long story—just to make the point that we are not the proper entity to recommend the kinds of changes we are proposing. I, meanwhile, contribute nothing useful. Finally, the woman who set the meeti