
第二章 投入修辞法

2024-09-03 21:41    文学论    来源:365文库




“God is present by His essence;which because it is inf inite, cannot be contained within the limits of any place;and because He is of an essential purity and spiritual nature, He cannot be undervalued by being supposed present in the places of unnatural uncleanness.”

— Jer Taylor, Holy Living, chap. i.


“God is everywhere present by His power, He rolls the orbs of heaven with His Hand; He f ixes the earth with His foot; He guides all the creatures with His eye, And refreshes them with His inf luence; He makes the powers of hell to shake with His terrors, and binds the devils with His word, and throws them out with His command; and sends the angels on embassies with His decrees.”

— Ibid.




“They that stand high have many blasts to shake them.”

— Richard III, Act I. sc. iii. l. 259.


   “And as a willow keeps

A patient watch over the stream that creeps

Windingly by it, so the quiet maid

Held her in peace.”

— Keats, Endymion, Bk. I. ll. 446-9.



“Parting they seem’d to tread upon the air,

Twin roses by the zephyr blown apart

Only to meet again more close, and share

The inward fragrance of each other’s heart.”

— Keats, Isabella, st. x.

“There was a Woman, beautiful as morning.”

— Shelley, Laon and Cythna, Can. I. st. xvi.

“Be she fairer than the Day

Or the f lowery meads in May;

If she be not so to me,

What care I how fair she be!”

— George Wither[1] , Fair Virtue, Sonnet iv.


“He was a lovely Youth ! I guess

The panther in the wilderness

Was not so fair as he;

And, when he chose to sport and play,

No dolphin ever was so gay

Upon the tropic sea.”

— Wordsworth, Ruth.


“Why, thou globe of sinful continents, what a life dost thou lead!”

— Henry IV, Act II. sc. iv. ll. 309-10.


“A highly respectable man as a German,

Who smoked like a chimney, and drank like a Merman.”

— Ingoldsby Legends, The Lay of St. Odille.


“A man is a bubble (said the Greek proverb), which Lucian represent with advantages and its proper circumstances, to this purpose, saying: All the world is a storm, and men rise up in their several generations like bubbles descending from God and the dew of heaven, from a tear and a drop of man, from nature and Providence; and some of these instantly sink into the deluge of their f irst parent, and are hidden in a sheet of water, having had no other business in the world but to be born, that they might be able to die; others f loat up and down two or three turns, and suddenly disappear and give their place to others: and they that live longest upon the face of the waters are in perpetual motion, restless and uneasy, and, being crushed with the great drop of a cloud, sink into f latness and a froth; the change not being great, it being hardly possible it should he more a nothing than it was before.”(以下省略)

— Jeremy Taylor, Holy Dying, chap. i.

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[1]乔治·威瑟(George Wither, 1588—1667),英国诗人,代表作有《牧人狩猎》、《哈利路亚》等。

上一篇:第一章 投出修辞法[1]
下一篇:第三章 以物拟物的联想[1]