
第六章 对置法

2024-09-03 21:41    文学论    来源:365文库



调和法之于对置法,类似于第一、二、三种联想法之于第四种联想法。正如第一、二、三种和第四种一样,都产生于两要素之间的共通性;同样的,调和法和对置法也有极其接近的地方。不但如此,从某种意义上说,把后者视为前者的一个方面,也未尝不可。假若把调和分成阶段的话,一端须是完全相同的二物之配合,另一端又须是完全不同的二物之联结。对置就是指这一端而言。换言之,也就是消极的调和。两者的关系,就像死与生的关系。从另一方面来说,生与死不是相隔绝的二物,死不过是生的一个变相而已。忧苦也是生,愤怒也是生,同样地,意识内容空虚的时候也是生。恰如在x = a,x = b, etc.的时候,x = 0也无疑是x的一个价值。对置的时候也是一样。aa是重复的配合,ab是最密接的配合;以下ac, ad, ae等而至于az,都是一种配合。而对置法不过是两种极端的调和。因此,对置法与调和法,其间虽有显著的不同,但是再深究下去,其区别可就颇为复杂了。



第一节 缓势法



“Duncan. This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air

Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself

Unto our gentle senses.

Banquo.   This guest of summer,

The temple-haunting martlet, does approve,

By his loved mansionry, that the heaven’s breath

Smells wooingly here: no jutty, frieze,

Buttress, nor coign of vantage, but this bird

Hath made his pendent bed and procreant cradle:

Where they most breed and haunt, I have observed,

The air is delicate.”

— Macbeth, Act I. sc. vi. ll. 1-11.

第二节 强势法





“Go thou to Richmond, and good fortune guide thee![to Dorset]

Go thou to Richard, and good angels guard thee![to Anne]

Go thou to sanctuary, and good thoughts possess thee![to Q. Elizabeth]

I to my grave, where peace and rest lie with me!

Eighty odd years of sorrow have I seen,

And each hour’s joy wreck’d with a week of teen.”

— Richard III, Act IV. sc. i. ll. 92-7.

这是自然的对置,并不是特地请几个人来反衬自己。本是对别人说话,说到自己时,才生出映照之妙,使最后一句特别提神。狄更斯描述小耐儿(Little Nell),就是用了这样的笔致:

“But all that night, waking or in my sleep, the same thoughts recurred, and the same images retained possession of my brain. I had, ever before me, the old dark murky rooms—the gaunt suits of mail with their ghostly silent air—the faces all awry, grinning from wood and stone—the dust, and rust, and worm that lives in wood—and alone in the midst of all this lumber and decay and ugly age, the beautiful child in her gentle slumber, smiling through her light and sunny dreams.”

— Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, chap. i.



“In this way Tina wore out the long hours of the windy moonlight, till at last, with weary aching limbs, she lay down in bed again, and slept from mere exhaustion.

While this poor little heart was being bruised with a weight too heavy for it, Nature was holding on her calm inexorable way, in unmoved and terrible beauty. The stars were rushing in their eternal courses; the tides swelled to the level of the last expectant weed; the sun was making brilliant day to busy nations on the other side of the swift earth.The stream of human thought and deed was hurrying and broadening onward. The astronomer was at his telescope; the great ships were labouring over the waves; the toiling eagerness of commerce, the f ierce spirit of revolution, were only ebbing in brief rest; and sleepless statesmen were dreading the possible crisis of the morrow. What were our little Tina and her trouble in this mighty torrent, rushing from one awful unknown to another? Lighter than the smallest centre of quivering life in the water-drop, hidden and uncared for as the pulse of anguish in the breast of the tiniest bird that has f luttered down to its nest with the long-sought food, and has found the nest torn and empty.”

— Eliot, Scenes of Clerical Life, Mr. Gilfu’s Love-Story, chap. v.

雪莱的《在那不勒斯附近沮丧而作》(Stanzas written in Dejection, near Naples),或华兹华斯的《捞水蛭的人,或决心与自立》(The Leech-Gatherer),可以说完全是用此法构成全篇的。不过论其巧拙,则自有不同。华兹华斯的是:

“The birds are singing in the distant woods;

Over his own sweet voice the Stockdove broods;

The Jay makes answer as the Magpie chatters;

And all the air is f illed with pleasant noise of waters. ”

The Leech-Gatherer, ll. 4-7.

前头描写欢快的自然,到后半才说:“I saw a Man before me unawares: The oldest man he seemed that ever wore grey hairs.”(ll. 55-6.),用以点缀孤客,两者形成对置。但因中间插入了种种主观感慨或理智教训,故而几乎把对置的效果打消了。本来,他似乎是要避开突兀的对置,而用一种感想把对置的两个材料联系起来,而暗暗地由甲转移到乙。这是他用意周到之处,其实却成了他的败笔。对置必须突兀。突兀然后才能用于强势。若徐徐移步,自一极至一极时,则两极之差一时不能反映到读者眼里,所以我们可能会忽略这种反衬。像下面举出的数行诗,就对置法来说,不但无效,反而是有害的。

“But, as it sometimes chanceth, from the might

Of joy in minds that can no further go,

As high as we have mounted in delight

In our dejection do we sink as low.”

— Ibid., ll. 22-5.


“The sun is warm, the sky is clear,

 The waves are dancing fast and bright,

Blue isles and snowy mountains wear

 The purple noon’s transparent might,

 The breath of the moist earth is light,

Around its unexpanded buds;

 Like many a voice of one delight,

The winds, the birds, the ocean f loods,

The City’s voice itself is soft like Solitude’s.”

— Stanzas written in Dejection, near Naples, st. i.

叙述优美温润之景,至此却突然一下转入“did any heart now share in my emotion”,径直抒发失意之情:

“Alas! I have nor hope nor health,

 Nor peace within nor calm around,

Nor that content surpassing wealth

 The sage in meditation found,

 And walked with inward glory crowned—

Nor fame, nor power, nor love, nor leisure.

 Others I see whom these surround—

Smiling they live, and call life pleasure;—

To me that cup has been dealt in another measure.”

— Ibid., st. iii.


“Ye banks and braes o’bonnie Doon,

 How can ye bloom sae fair!

How can ye chant, ye little birds,

 And I sae fu’ o’ care!

Thou’ll break my heart, thou bonnie bird,

 That sings upon the bough;

Thou minds me o’the happy days

 When my fause Luve was true.”



“He goes through shrubby walks these friends among,

Love in their looks and honour on the tongue;

Nay, there’s a charm beyond what nature shows,

The bloom is softer and more sweetly glows; —

Pierced by no crime, and urged by no desire

For more than true and honest hearts require,

They feel the calm delight, and thus proceed

Through the green lane—then linger in the mead —

Stray o’er the heath in all its purple bloom —

And pluck the blossom where the wild bees hum;

Then through the broomy bound with ease they pass,

And press the sandy sheep-walk’s slender grass,

Where dwarf ish f lowers among the gorse are spread,

And the lamb browses by the linnet’s bed;

Then ’cross the bounding brook they make their way

O’er its rough bridge—and there behold the bay! —

The ocean smiling to the fervid sun —

The waves that faintly fall and slowly run —

The ships at distance and the boats at hand;

And now they walk upon the sea side sand,

Counting the number and what kind they be,

Ships softly sinking in the sleepy sea;

Now arm in arm, now parted, they behold

The glitt’ring waters on the shingles roll’d;

The timid girls, half dreading their design,

Dip the small foot in the retarded brine,

And search for crimson weeds, which spreading f low,

Or lie like pictures on the sand below;

With all those bright red pebbles that the sun

Through the small waves so softly shines upon;

And those live lucid jellies which the eye

Delights to trace as they swim glitt’ring by:

Pearl-shells and rubied star-f ish they admire,

And will arrange above the parlour-f ire, —

Tokens of bliss!—‘Oh! horrible! a wave

Roars as it rises—save me, Edward! save!’

She cries—Alas! The watchman on his way

Calls and lets in—truth, terror, and the day!”

— Crabbe[1] , The Borough, Letter xxiii.




“Here’s a knocking indeed! If a man were porter of hell-gate, he should have old turning the key. [Knocking within.] Knock, knock, knock! Who’s there, i’ the name of Beelzebub? Here’s a farmer, that hanged himself on the expectation of plenty: come in time; have napkins enow about you; here you’ll sweat for’t.[Knocking within.] Knock, knock! Who’s there, in the other devil’s name? Faith, here’s an equivocater, that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God’s sake yet could not equivocate to heaven: O, come in, equivocator. [Knocking within.] Knock, knock, knock! Who’s there? Faith, here’s an English tailor come hither, for stealing out of a French hose: come in, tailor; here you may roast your goose. [Knocking within.] Knock, knock; never at quiet! What are you? But this place is too cold for hell. I’ll devil-porter it no further: I had thought to have let in some of all professions that go the primrose way to the everlasting bonf ire. [Knocking within.] Anon, anon! I pray you, remember the porter.”

— Act II. sc. iii. ll. 1-25.





“How should I your true love know

 From another one?

By his cockle hat and staff,

 And his sandal shoon. ”

— Hamlet, Act IV. sc. v. ll. 23-6.

猝然跑到王妃之前唱这种歌,从正面来解释,免不了有滑稽之感。对于“How do you, pretty lady?”之问,回答是:

“Well, God ’ild you! They say the owl was a baker’s daughter. Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be. God be at your table!”

— Ibid., Act IV. sc. v. ll. 41-4.


“I, too, have passed her on the hills

Setting her little water-mills

By spouts and fountains wild —

Such small machinery as she turned

Ere she had wept, ere she had mourned,

A young and happy Child!”



“‘Take care of yourselves, masters,’ observed Mauger. ‘I must attend to business.’

‘Never mind us,’laughed Wolfytt, observing the executioner take up an axe and after examining its edge, begin to sharpen it.’ Grind away.’

‘This is for Lord Guilford Dudley,’ remarked Mauger, as he turned the wheel with his foot.’ I shall need two axes to-morrow.’

‘Sharp work,’ observed Wolfytt, with a detestable grin.

‘You would think so were I to try one on you,’ retorted Mauger.’ Ay, now it will do,’ he added, laying aside the implement and taking up another. ‘This is my favorite axe. I can make sure work with it. I always keep it for queens or dames of high degree—ho! ho! This notch, which I can never grind away, was made by the old Countess of Salisbury, that I told you about. It was a terrible sight to see her white hair dabbled with blood. Poor Lady Jane won’t give me so much trouble, I’ll be sworn. She’ll die like a lamb.’

‘Ay, ay,’ muttered Sorrocold.‘God send her a speedy death!’

‘She’s sure of it with me,’ returned Mauger, ‘so you may rest easy on that score.’ And as he turned the grindstone quickly round, drawing sparks from the steel, he chanted, as hoarsely as a raven, the following ditty: —

     The axe was sharp, and heavy as lead,

     As it touched the neck, off went the bend!


And the screaming of the grindstone formed an appropriate accompaniment to the melody.

     Queen Anne laid her white throat upon the block,

     Quietly waiting the fatal shock;

     The axe it severed it right in twain,

     And so quick—so true—that she felt no pain!


— Ainsworth[2], The Tower of London, chap. xl.

第三节 不对称法


此节所要说的“不对称法”,在f与f′之间难以确定何为本位这一点上,类似假对法。示之以公式,假对法是f与f′结合起来合而生出f″,故可以用f + f′ = f″来表示;然而在“不对称法”中,不但两要素的本位不能定,又没有两要素合而为一的迹象,失去了强势法、缓势法所共通的特色,又不能带假对法的性质。换言之,这里的f和f′两要素无缘形成对立,而且即便对立也不能产生任何感应。换句话说,就是这两种要素不能相乘,不能相除,也不能相加减。我们对这两要素加以审视、掂量,但最终没有办法将其捏合在一起。它们不期而然地公然对立着。那对立的态度,就好像是接受了天地开辟以来就应该非对立不可的大法命令,双方都有“与我何干”的态度,对立以后和对立以前没什么不同。我们看到这样无缘的两种要素被猝然撮合在一起而感到吃惊,在产生不调和之感的一刹那,看到这无缘的两种要素如此泰然、满不在乎地形成对立,我们又被打动了,忽然我们便不再觉得不调和,转而站在矛盾滑稽的角度,为自己摆脱单一视角的束缚而感到开心,而其结果,便大笑,或微笑,这就是“不对称法”的特性。有了此种特性,这种“不对称法”与前面所说第四种联想法,便遥相呼应了。比如说:“正成[3]哭而谏正行曰……”这里点出了一个“哭”字,便使人觉得很恰切。现在试用“打哈欠”来代替“哭”字如何?再代之以“喝着啤酒”又如何呢?或进一步写作“正成擤着鼻涕,谏正行曰……”又怎样呢?正成的忠谏与擤鼻涕的行为,两种不协调的行为结合在一起,给人以预想之外的超然和旁若无人的感觉,我们便超越了不调和感,仿佛进入天地浑融的解脱境界。


“Ye Muses, then, whoever ye are, who love to sing battles, and principally thou who whilom didst recount the slaughter in those f ields where Hudibras and Trulla fought, if thou wert not starved with thy friend Butler, assist me on this great occasion. All things are not in the rower of all.”

— Bk. IV. chap. viii.


“As a vast herd of cows in a rich farmer’s yard, if, while they are milked, they hear their calves at a distance, lamenting the robbery which is then committing, roar and bellow; so roared forth the Somersetshire mob an hallaloo, made up of almost as many squalls, screams, and other different sounds as there were persons, or indeed passions among them: some were inspired by rage, others alarmed by fear, and others had nothing in their heads but the love of fun; but chief ly Envy, the sister of Satan, and his constant companion, rushed among the crowd, and blew up the fury of the women; who no sooner came up to Molly than they pelted her with dirt and rubbish.”

— Ibid.


“Molly, having endeavoured in vain to make a handsome retreat, faced about; and laying hold of ragged Bess, who advanced in the front of the enemy, she at one blow felled her to the ground. The whole army of the enemy (though near a hundred in number), seeing the fate of their general, gave back many paces, and retired behind a new-dug grave; for the churchyard was the f ield of battle, where there was to be a funeral that very evening. Molly pursued her victory, and catching up a skull which lay on the side of the grave, discharged it with such fury, that having hit a tailor on the head, two skulls sent equally forth a hollow sound at their meeting, and the tailor took presently measure of his length on the ground, where the skulls lay side by side, and it was doubtful which was the more valuable of the two. Molly then taking a thigh-bone in her hand, fell in among the f lying ranks, and dealing her blows with great liberality on either side, overthrew the carcass of many a mighty hero and heroine.”

— Ibid.


被用于对置的两种要素,在性质上不得太悲惨,也不得太严肃,至少也要容许为了表现滑稽趣味而剔除道德观念。沉默者忽然变成喋喋不休的饶舌者,是为不对称法,足以引起读者兴味;但是一个温顺者忽然变成杀人者,这种不对称似乎就不能以滑稽视之了。一个耽于苦思冥想的人而跌入泥沟,作为不对称法固然是恰当的,然而若写他掉进深井而死,谐谑之趣顷刻消失了。把不严重的材料对置使用,或在不经意间把严重的材料用作平淡的材料使用,都是可以的。试翻开《项狄传》(Tristram Shandy)读一读这一节:

“Now, whether it was physically impossible, with half a dozen hands all thrust into the napkin at one time,—but that some one chestnut, of more life and rotundity than the rest, must be put in motion,—it so fell out, however, that one was actually sent rolling off the table: and as Phutatorius sat straddling under,—it fell perpendicularly into that particular aperture of Phutatorius’s breeches, for which, to the shame and indelicacy of our language be it spoke, there is no chaste word throughout all Johnson’s Dictionary:—let it suff ice to say,—it was that particular aperture which, in all good societies,the laws of decorum do strictly require,like the temple of Janus (in peace at least),to be universally shut up ...

The genial warmth which the chestnut imparted, was not undelectable for The f irst twenty or f ive-and-twenty seconds;—and did no more than gently solicit Phutatorius’s attention towards the part;—but the heat gradually increasing, and, in a few seconds more, getting beyond the point of all sober pleasure, and then advancing with all speed into the regions of pain, the soul of Phutatorius, together with all his ideas, his thoughts, his attention, his imagination, judgment, resolution. deliberation, and ratiocination, memory, fancy, with ten battalions of animal spirits, all tumultuously crowded down, through different def iles and circuits, to the place in danger, leaving all his upper regions, as you may imagine, as empty as my purse.”

— Vol. IV. chap. xxvii.



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[1]乔治·克雷布(George Crabbe, 1754—1832),英国诗人,以擅长用朴素的语言如实描绘日常生活而闻名,代表作有《村庄》、《教区记事录》等。

[2]威廉·哈里森·安斯沃思(William Harrison Ainsworth, 1805—1882),英国历史小说家。



[5]亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding, 1717—1754),英国小说家,代表作《弃儿汤姆·琼斯史》对后世英国小说影响深远。

上一篇:第五章 调和法
下一篇:第七章 写实法