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风铃铃铛 上传于:2024-04-14
POSITION Personnel Officer-Benifit DEPARTMENT :Personnel DIVISION 。 :Human Resources REPORTS TO :Assistant Personnel Manager SUBORDINAE : IOB SUMMARY: Be responsible for the staff payment and welfare in accordance with the Human Resource Policy of the Hotel and follow up the fulland clear procedures DUIES AND RESPONSIBLITIES: 1 To replace the staff',s salary adjustment records and notices to the Paymaster timely. 2 Be responsible for the salary statistic and report. 3,Be responsible for the issue and check of Timecard and audit the Attendance Record for each department in order to offer the accurate ones to accounting for payment. 4,Be responsible for the final payment for the former employee and assist to perform the separation procedure for them- 5。Make sure that all employee obey the rules on Staff Canteen, Staff Locker Room and Staff Restroom and issue warning letter to the one who act against the rules. 6,Statistic the cases of staff deregulation and prepared the analysis report, 7 Keep close contact with the Clinic and ensure to offer perfect medical service to employee and reasonable control 8,Cooperates with the governmental departments on birth control in the Hotel, and get compensation from the Labor Bureau, 9,Be responsible for the payment and statistic of the charges relevant to Medical Examination, Medical Service, Transportation and etc. 10. Be responsible for the operation of timekeeping office and monitor the timekeeper to perform the house rul