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指尖花凉风声晚凉 上传于:2024-04-15
河南新飞电器有限公司、河南新飞家电有限公司 主题 奖学金和助学多方案 生各日期 编号 Scholarship & Bursary Plan -、目的Objective 1、提高奖学金的效果,为公司吸引更多的优秀人才, Improve the effectiveness of the scholarshiplbursary plan and to attract more talents to the Company 2、扩宽奖学金授奖资格和范围,体现公司回舍社会的理念, Expand the scope ofthe scholarshipfbursary plan to reflectihe Company s contribution to the society, 3、多种宣传方式相结合,提升丰隆亚洲和新飞电器的企业认可度、知名度。 Enhance the corporate image and awareness of Hong Leong Asia Ltd and Xinfei Electric Co., Ltd through diverse publicity 4、帮扶企业困难职工,体现人文关怀。 Provide assistance to our employees who have difficulties supporting their children education. 、方式和范围 Methods & Scope 1、奖学金按照受奖对象和受奖方式不同分为"新飞家园奖学金和"丰隆亚洲新飞助学金 This scholarship is categorized as "Xinfei Scholarship” and "Hong Leong Asia-Xinfei Electric Co. bursary"in accordance with the needs ofthe targeted candidates. 2、 "新飞家园奖学金"和包含如下内容,*Xinfel Scholarshiprincludes 2.1 目的, 帮助困难职工子女完成学业,体现企业"以人为本"的管理理念。 Purpose: Provide assistance for our employees who have difficutties supporting their children education, in tune with a people oriented Company culture. 2.2 对象, 公司正式在职员工子女,就读高中或通过国家统一入学考试进入大专以上高等辽 校就读。 Candidates: Permanent employees chidren that are studying in senior high school or junior colegejcolege, 2.3 数额, 每人每年 2000 元,每年资助 20 人,其中高中学生 10 人,大专以上学生 10 人。 Sponsor Fees: RMB 2,000 per year per person, 20 students per year (comprising of 10 senior high students; 10 junior colegelcollege students)、 2.4 选拔条件, Application Terms 2.4.1 家庭生活贫困。 Poverty stricken family, 2.4.2 员工子女在校期间表现优秀,所学科目无不及格现象- Achieve Excellent Academic Results 2.4.3 子女在校期间遵守校规校纪,无违规违纪记录 No Bad Disciplinary Records 3、 '直隆亚洲一新飞助学金"包含如下内容: “Hong Leong Asia-Xinfei Bursary"includes 3.1 目的: 回报社会,资助贫困学生完成学业,为公司吸引优秀的大学生。 Purpose: Contribute back to society provide education assistance to poverty students; attract excellent graduates to the Company- 3.2 对象; 新乡地区各高中、郑州大学大三年级。 Candidates: senior high school students in Xinxiang; undergraduates at Zhengzhou University, 3.3 数额: 新乡地区各高中资助 10 人,郑州大学资助 20 人,每人 1 万元/年。 Amount 10 students of each senior high school in Xinxiang, 20 students in Zhengzhou University 10000RMB/year per person 专业: Majors 郑州大学: 机械工程及其自动化58 人)、电气工程及其自动化 (2 人)、材料成型与控制工程 (1 人)、物流管理 (1 人)、广告学 (1 人)、工商管理 (5 人)、计算机科学与技术 (1人) 国际经济与贸易1 人) Zhengzhou University: Mechanical Engineering and Automation (8 person)、 Electrical Engineering and Automation (2 person)、 Processing and Control Engineering (1 person)、 Logistics Management (1 person) 、Advertising (1 person)、 Business Administration (5 person) 、Computer Science and Technology (1 person) 、International Economic and Trade (1 person). 新乡各高中; 机械工程及其自动化(3 人)、计算机科学与技术(1 人)、材料成型与控制工程 (1人)会计学 (1 人),工商管理(1 人)、物流工程 〔{1 人)、国际经济与贸易(1 人)、热 能与动力工程 (1 人) Senior high schools in Xinxiang: Mechanical Engineering and Automation (3 person)、 Computer Science and Technology (1 person}) 、Processing and Control Engineering (1 person) 、Accounting (1 person)、 Logistics Management (1 person)、 International economic and trade (1 person) 、Thermal Energy and Power Engineering (1 person) 3.4 选拔条件,Qualification 3.4.1 身体健康,道德品质优良,生活简朴。 Healthy high moral standards, frugal ifestyle 3.4.2 模范遵守国家法律法规及所在院校的各项规章制度- Compliance to statutory laws and school regulations 3.4.3 高中及大学期间无警告及以上处分。 No warnings or other forms punishments in senior high school and colege 3.4.4 ”参加全国高等院校统一入学考试,成绩优秀。 Achieve excellent academic results during the national college entrance examination 3.4.5 ”家庭生活贫困,Poverty stricken family 3.5 ”资助条件,Terms and Conditions for Assistance 3.5.1 大学期间认真学习,努力完成各门功课,顺利毕业。 Study hard in colege and obtain bachelors degree, 3.5.2 ”大学毕业后到新飞电器工作三年 Work in Xinfei for 3 years after graduation 3.5.3 ”大学时期按公司安排进行实习- Undergo traineeship during the summer vacation, 三、实施计划及费用预算 Implementation plan & Budgeting 1新飞家园奖学金"Xinfei Scholarship” 11 实施 implementation 1.1.1 七月初在公司内部通过广播、宣传栏方式进行宜传,接受员工报名。 Publicize the plan through broadcastbulletin-board at the beginning of July and begin accepting applications 1.1.2 ”申报员工提交子女基本情况,所在院校出具的成绩及在校表现情况等证明,所在家庭 居委会出具的家庭基本情况证明- The applicant should submit basic information of their child、student transcript、behavior testimonial and testimonial from neighborhood committee 1.1.3 由各高校提供申报学生在校期间的成绩、表现等资料,公司审核后确定奖学金人选- Information about student transcript and behavior will be provided by colleges and we wil select candidates through a selection process 1.1.4 根据员工申报材料,经人力资源部审核后,报首席营运管审核批准。 HR department will peruse the application materials and forward to COO for approval 1.2 费用 expenditure 奖学金: 20 人/年"2,000 元/年/人一4 万元/年 Scholarship: 20 personyear * 2.000RMB/yeariperson = 40.000RMBJyear 2、"直隆亚洲一新飞"助学金 “Hong Leong Asia-Xinfei bursary" 2.1 郑州大学的助学金宣传模式 Publicity mode in Zhengzhou University 2.1.1 五月初左右时间,联系郑州大学,跟高校进行前期沟通,确定奖学金实施的方式、范 围、时间、人数等相关事宜,确定长期合作的基础。 We will contact Zhengzhou University at the beginning of May to confirm the methods、 scope、time and number of candidates to ensure long-term cooperation, 2.1.2 ”新生开学后,公司与高校沟通,张贴宜传海报,同时召开讲座宜传企业、进行就业咨 询、解答学生的问题讲座结束后,接受报名。 At the beginning of new semester we will put up posters and organize lectures to advertise the Company、clarify the students concern and accept applications、 2.1.3 ”由郑州大学提供申报学生在校期间的成绩、 表现等资料, 公司审核后确定奖学金人选。 Zhengzhou University will provide the student transcript and information about behaviors of applicants。 We will select candidates after through a selection process, 2.1.4 ”奖学金人选确定后,公司组织相关人员 《公司高层或中层、招聘负责人、奖学金负责 人等) 至郑州大学进行企业宣讲,同时组织奖学金颁奖仪式- After confirming the candidates,the relevant staff (senior or middle managements、 recruitment personnel、scholarship personnel .etc) will conduct campus talk in Zhengzhou University and we will organize award ceremony atihe same time, 2.2 高中宜传方式 Publicity mode in senior high school 2.2.1 5 月前至新乡市高中〈河师大附中、逻县一中、长二一中、封丘一中、新乡市一中) 进行前期联系,每个星期至少二所高中。与高中联系期间,尽量协商安排与学生见面沟通。 同时给予各高中学生参观新飞公司的机会。 Contactthe senior high schools in Xinxiang (河师大附中、辉县一中、长垣一中、封丘一中、 新乡市一中) before May visiting atleast 2 schools every week。 During this period, we will communicate with the students and provide an opportunity forthem to visit the Company 2.2.2 ”5 月中旬联系新乡市教育局,与局领导沟通,协助我们做好助学金的宣传。 Contact Xinxiang Bureau of Education in the middle of May and get assistance from them concerning th