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卡尔" 马克思生平 Harl einrieh pnx ws bar on ay 5th, sl8 in the elty of Trier Germany taa comfortable middle-class,Jewish family。 His father,a lawyer and ardent supporter of Enlightenent liberalisa,eonverted to Lutheranism then barx was only a boy ordar to save the fanily froa the disorinination that pruasian Jews endured af the Hine,Marx enjoyed a broea,secular education Under his father and found an intelleetusl sentor in Ereiherr Ludvig von Wostphalen a Prussian noblenan with wbom Marx discussed the areat literary and philosophieal fisures of his day Notably it mas Westphalen who introdtced the young Marx to the ideas of the early Freneh soeialist Saint-siamn As astudent in Bonmn and Berlin Marx ms areatly influenced by the philosophy of Teael While Warx was inpressed with the lgelian professors under whom he stodied he ultimately found himself attracted to a group of students known as the“Young Hogalians * This proup of yomg iconoelasts,ineluing David Straugs, Brun Bauar, and War Skiner ware inspired by Hagel but ware datemained to chapion the mora radical aspects of the old master s System。 In particular,these Left Hegelians callea into aueotion the eonservatioe they soe in Herel's avored political and religious philosophies Athough arx desired acareer as an academie at the time, his political smpathies prevented hin fron receiving am position in the statereontrolled university system Instead Warx tumed to journalisn where his radical politics attraeted the attention of Prussian emmsors The miblication for hich he worked ms shat dom for its politically ineorrest comentary and the mustrated Marx traveled ta Paris paris inlBtawas aninteroational conterofsoeial politioal andartistieactivity and the pathering place of radicals an revolutionares froa all over Buropa,In Paris arr became involyed with soelalists and revalationariee such as Proudhon and Bakunin Most senifieantly, though,it was in paris thatWarx met Priedrioh bneela, the sonofaweslthy tertile nufacturer in Enelond hohed becomeasocialistafter bserving the deplorable condition of workers in his father s faetories_ Together Marx an Engels began to develop the ideas which beeame Revoultionary Proletarian Soeialism or as it is better tnom,Coamunism Erentuallyy Warx was exiled from France in 1845 at the behest of the Prussian government for antiroyalist writings htter leaving paris Wars uaveled ta Belgiom where he becane involved with aaroup of artisans calling thenselyes the Communist Leagua,In 1947 the Communist League omissioned Warx and Eneals to pen a statement of thelr beliefs and aims,This atateaent heoage the Connunist Wanifosto thieh Marx zealously oggased 训 antieipation the revolutions of 1848, When revolution did begin in genaany in 18人, Marx traveled to theRhineland to ncourage its progress When the revolstion failed Marx retamed to Paris bat soon left for landon shere he would remain for the rest onis life。 , Marx waited in London for the fires of revolution to ignite again。 In preparation for this,he spent his time in correspondence with revolutionary leaders on the Continent,ignoring the English Chartists and Trade Unionists mhom he thought simpleminded and ineffectual,Eventually, Marx realized that the revolution was not inmminent,and he withdrew from his associarions,burying himself in the British Museum to research the history of class conflict, The fruit of this research was Mare s great Das Kapital,the first volume of which was published in 1867. Things began to turn around for Marx in 1863 when French workers traveled to England in order to establish a federation of working men pledged to overthrow the economic status quo,ALthough Marx disagreed with many of the ideological factions in the group,he recognized the significance of this event and left his self-imposed exile to join them_ Marx successfully insinuated himself into the leadership of the group, now knowmn as the International,and delivered his fanmous Inaugural hddress to the First International as a triuaphant proclanation of his prineiples,At last Marx had what he had desired since 1847; he had provided the intellectual foundation for socialist movement over Which he exereised full organizarional control Mare s satisfaction soon ended,however,as the Paris Commune of 1871,the first true instance of workers achieving power for themselves,turned into a bloody isaster,The more pacifistic English workers became frightened and the French movenent fell to infighting,The anarchist supporters of Bakunin tried to wrest control of the International from Marx,and the struggle between Marx and the anarchists finally lead to the dissolution of the group in 1876, Tn the few remaining years of his life Marx wrote almost no significant works。 His stature as the former leader of the International,though,did make him a sought after resouree for new revolutionary groups throughout Europe and,in particular in Russia。 Although Marx helped these new leaders as he could,he did not take on any leadership roles in any movement again Marx died in London in 1883,still amaiting the inevitable revolution which he had predicted. About the Communist Manifesto 1846 Karl Marx was exiled from Paris on account of his radical politics,He moved to Belgium where he attempted to assemble a ragtag group of exiled Gernan artisans into an unified political organization,the Gernan Working Men' s Association Marx anare of the presence of similar organizations in England,called these groups together for ameeting in the winter of 1847,Under War s influence this assemblage of working-class parties took the name “The Communist League ”discussing their rievanees with capitalism and potential methods of response,While most of the delegates to this conference advocated universal brotherhood as a solution to their economic problems,Marx preached the fiery rhetoric of class warfare,explaining 2 to the mesmerized workers that revolution was not only the sole answer to their ifficulties but mas indeed inevitable,The League,completely taken with Marx, commissioned him to write a statement of their collective principles,a statement which became The Coamunist Manifesto。 After the conferenee,Marx returned to Brussels,earrying with him a declaration of socialism penned by two delegates,the lone copy of The Communist Journal,the publieation of the London branch of the Communist League,and a statement of Principles written by Engels,Although Marx followed Engel sprineiples very closely, the Manifesto is entirely of his om hand,Marx wrote furiously,but just barely made the deadline the League had set for him The Wanifesto was published in February 1848 and quickly published so as to fan the flames of revolution which smoldered om the Continent、When revolution broke out in Germany in March 1848,Marx traveled to the Rhineland to put his theory into practice. When this revolution was suppressed, Marx f