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计划 上传于:2024-04-16
He Never Missed a Gane BRichards the former polereault champion shares amoving story about askinmy yommg boy who loved football with all his heart Praatiee after practie he eagerly bave everything he had But being half the atae or the other boys he got absolutely nowhere ALall the games,this hopeful athlete at on the bench and haraly ever played mis teenager lived alone with his father and the two of them had avery special elationship,Even though the son ws alnays Da the beneh, his father wes alners in the stands cheering He nevermissed aame This young man was still the snallest of the class when he entered hiah schaol. But his fther eontinued to eneourage him bat also made it very clear that he did not have ta play football if he didnt want 器 ut the youmg an loved foothall and decidad to hang in there te was datemained ta yis bestat every praetice and perhaps he det to play when he became asenior All thzouah hiah school he never mlssed s practioe nor a game but Tenetoed e benchreamer all four years is faithful father vs alsays in the stands_ always ith rords of eneouragenent Tor him Wen the youmg nan sent to eollegey he decided to try oot for the football team as a maliron * Everyone ws sure he could never make the eat bnt he di The coach admitted that he kept him on the roster〈花名册) because he always puts hisheartand soul to every praetiee and at the saae tian provided theathernombers with be spirit and hustle they badly needod Te nevs that he had survived the aut thrilled hi so meh that he rmushed ta the eares phone and called his farher His father shared his exeitemen and was sent season tickets for all the college gmaes, This persistent youmg athlete never lseod practice during his four years at college,but he never pot to play in a pmme Tas the and of his senior football seasony and as he trotted onto the praetice field shortly before the pig playoff game,the coach met hin with a telegram_ The youngman read the telegranand be became deathly silent. Swalloying hard he mumbled to the coach,"Wy father died this morning. Is it all right if Imiss practice today2” The coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said, “Take the rest of the Week off,son。And don't even plan to come back to the game on Saturday- Satarday arrived and the game was not going well mm the third auarterahen the ean mas ten points behind asilent yommg man auietly slipped into the empty locker room and put on his football gear hs he ran onto the sidelines the coach and his players were astounded to see their faithful teammate back so soon. “Coach,please , let me play,Tve just got to play today, ”said the young man,The coach pretended not to hear him There was no way he wanted his worst player in this close playoff ame。But the young man persisted,and finally feeling sorry for the kid,the coach ave in “AL right,” he said “You can go in.” Before long,the coach,the