The 1life of Isaae Newton
Most of yau mo daubt no the stary of Newton and the falling apple and hor it
led te his discovery of the lar of gravity, Bt hor aueh do you mnov beyond that3
Do you know what kind af nan this great scientist Wasy or where he stands in the
history of science? If you don' t,or even if you do,read the following lesson.
Teaae Nerton was born on christmas Dey,1642 be arey up in the Enelish eountryside
From the very first Nevton wps very much interested in the mysteries of nature,One
of the mst difficult scientifie problens of Nentom s day was about the auestion
ofnotion Why did ohbjects mve? Scientists could see thet stones rolled dom hills
bat wind bler leaves along the ground,and heavy objects fell to the earth when
After Copemnicus they bean to atnit that the aarth itsel mved ARere there lams
that govern these various kinds of motion?”they asked themselves。The Greeks had
belieyed there were differont rules for motion an earth and in space, and that there
Were unmatunal poyeaonts on the surface of the earth
Galileo ms the first person to shallenge this Gresk vien af motion This Italian
Scientist was afollower of Copernicus, It didn' t make much sense to Galileo to have
iffarent mules for mption on earth and in space_ jie made to important diseoveries,
Firsty he showed that motion was not unmatural, On the contrary an objeet once
motion would tend to continue in motion Second,Galileo worked out amathematical
fommula for the motion of all objeets that fll to the earthv
Galileo Norever did not explain ho all notion in the universe worked ch work
hadbeen done sinee Copemicus toobserveand record the mvements in the solar system
Tt remnined now for soe great mathematical nind to pll this work all together and
ht the age of tentrthree lsaae Newton aved from Caabridae to his country home
There his thoughts turmed to the problens of notion hs Nerton hinself later told
be story,he Was sltting in the Barden one evening,thinking when he natioed
falline apole_ The apple set hia to wondering about the apyenent of falling thlnga
Teceurred tohim that the foree which oaused fruit to fall from trees worked muite
as sell at greater distances Fron the center of the earth -- om top of buildings
r even on top of mountains Perhaps,thought Nerton, this see foree reached out
meh farther stil, even to the moon Was it this foree which kept the moon going
around the earthy hnd if so could not the sane foree explain the mpvenents of the
planets around the sn? Menton beban to seareh foramathematical expression of his
Ta 1669 Newton becaae prafassar of mathematics at Caxbridga,Three years later ie
joined the Royal Soniety,The Royal Soeiety was a group of learned non from all
ranehes ar seienee. Before lang Nerton began aeain to study the problems of motion
he hadalready discovered the eesential idess bat it still reaained for him to solve
he diffieult mathematical prohlens,At last he seened to have solved the main
aiffieulties But he did mot publish his findings at once。
only in 1687 did he at last publish his new theory,Newton' s great work,The
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,marked the triumph of the Scientific
Revolution。The very title is significant,Newton had found the mathematical
prineiples,the scientific laws which gover