[2012.08.11] Pensions 养老爹 | 中国特色社会保障制度
【导读】 中国有名古话叫欲速则不达。中国社保制度短短几年内达
到很高的覆盖率, 可颖盖率之下的质量呢? 吵得沸沸扬扬的养老金入
市呢? 什么是养老金宝头账户? 为什么中国不能学习西方?
Social security with Chinese characteristics
Coneratulate Chinafor building thefoundations of a pension system so quickly
Now it needsto restructureit
Ag 11b 20121 om hepnnl eallipn
THE 18th-century Chinese emperor Qianlong made slaborate preparations for retirement-
He commissioned an exquisite retreat in Beijing's Forbidden City complete with trompe
Tosil paintings and meditation cushions Hts name translates as the Studio of Exhaustion
rom Diligent servicer。
18 世纪的中国皇帝乾隆曾为自己的退位后的生活煞费苦心。他曾命人在北京上类城里打
意为"日理万机劳累之时的听戏【注 1】消站之地"
Many elderly Chinese have shown equal diligence and felt similar exhaustion_
But their retirements have been less gilded. In 2009 less than 30% of China's
adults Were covered by the government's pensions patchwork。 The only
cushion for most rural folk was their field and their family
后的生活却并不那么注润。2009 年,中国政府的各类养老多计划失污起来所获盖的成年人
只占中国总成年人口的 30%还不到。对大多数乡下人米说,他们年到之后的唯一依靠就只
Sinee hen, however pensions have spread at extraordiaary speed, Last week Chinas
nationalaaditoffice reported that 622m people were now enrolled in oneseheme or another:
over 55 of adults Chinas new rural pension has added over 240m people in just two
Years_more than are covered by America's Social Security (see artilel, The andit office
Savs that China'ssocialsecurity wstem isnow "hasiealy” in place
That is an historic achievement But “basic" is still the right word to describe Chinese
pensions, which vary enormously between town and country, prosperous east and poorer
West private sector and public. In some rural counties the basic pension can be as low as 55
yuan (about S8.7S) per month-
6.22 亿人参与了至少一种养老金计划,获荔超 55%的成年人。仅两年时间,中国新推出的
农村养老金计划就吸纳了 2.4 亿人, 这一数字比美国的社保制度所路六的人数还要多 〈另见
基本养老金可能低到 55 元/月〈合 8.75 美元|月)
China's system does not therefore, share the European problem of overgenerosity_ But
does suffer like Europes,from underfunding In the cities,workers are obliged to
Supplement the state pension with contributions to individual accounts_ mn the countryside,
they are encouraged to do the same. By one estimate about 2.5 trillion yuan has been paid
into these accounts. But precious little of that money has stayed in them。
因此, 中国的养老金制度也就不会像欧洲屠样因福利待遇过高而产生问题。但艰欧洲国家
以此补充通国家养老金。 农村的参保人员也被鼓励这么做。 据估计,人们大概已经往这些账
户里面缴纳了大约 2.5 万亿元的伺金。但实际上里面的资金已所利无几-
Unlike individual accounts 刘 nearby Hong Kong or Singapore,China's nestreggs are mot
earefully segregated and invested in financial portfolios held in the contributor's name.
nstead,local governments use the money for other things,such as paying the bills,
speculating in property, or paying the pensions of today's retired一especially those shed by
state-owned enterprises during the downsizings of the 19905.-
与周边的香港和新加坡的个人养老金账户不同, 中国并没有尊导地限离养老储备爹, 也没
有用养老爹缴纳者的名义将之投到各种金融投资组合中去。 相反,当地政府把钱用到了其他
地方,比如支付账单,炒房地产亦或是支付当期养老爹,尤其是支付上世纪 90 年代被国企
Despite this plunder of the pension pots, China has no shortage of saving and investment It
ploughed 4 ofits GDP inte investment last year and almost 3% into foreign assets The
country asa wholeis making provision forits future. But individual pension contributors do
not have title to these assets They must instead pray that their contributions will be
honoured by local goveraments from whatever resources officials can muster in the future.
And migrants fear losing their entitiements when they eross provinciallines.
尽管这笔养老侍各爹被所为他用,中国政府也不乏存款和投资。 去年 中国政府的投资总
额右 GDP 的 49%6,目其中有 396被投到了国外资产中去。举国上下正未雨绸继。但个人养
发放自己应部的养老爹, 而不管政府届时如何筹集资金。 并且工作变动的人还害怕自己到另
一个省份工作的时会撩去自己部受(原来) 社保待遇的资格
One sensihle reform would be for the central government to take charge of the pension
System It could fl the empty accounts, glue the fragmented system together and ideally
make pensions much more portabhle In terms of structure, the ong-term goal should be to
give individuals greater control over their own accounts, choosing their investments as they
do in Hong Kong (with appropriate safety nets and so onj, The problem here is that China
6 laeks the mature and open financial systems of Hong Kong and Singapore its
helterskelter stockmarket is hardly ideal for retirement savings at the moment So change
winlhave tebe gradual.