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春风十里不如睡你 上传于:2024-05-09
薇茂亲自过目的高考英语重点谚语 1 Re whe has health has hepe 国得青山在,不从没半夫| 2 Misery oves company (tnever rains put pours) 福不昌行 kesallsors to make world 一往米普百种人 世界是形形色色的人所组成的) 4 Thereare wosides ioevery quesion, 爷个加是帮有正反二而破 5 SalFiutis the fstseeret ofsaceess, 自信是成功的第一入 6 Every man hashistaste 人各有所好 了Experience is the extactofsufiering .后验是由瑚贡中梯取出来的 S The wealth ofhe mind is he only tmue wealth 心芝的时家才是叭一直正的财宇 Love makes the wonid gm round 受使亿界短 IOUifeis natmenely living bat iving in health .生活不只要活,而且要活的他康 站Paaienceiderhutits fnuitissweet 保持性是痪苦的,但它的果实是一美的 1 He whe has hope has cverything -济有希望的人接有一切 中Nothing great was everachieved without enthusiasm …没用关内成大各 14Tomerow nevereemes 明天水不案 15 Paetice makes perfect 加能生配 16 Hasie makes waste 钠建则不才 Tisa wallo now which way the wind blows 名时务者为作便- 18 Sow nothing reap nothing 无功不受入 , 罗Awonl once spaken can never be recalled 一言既出,晤让难过- 20Never patefftiliomorow whatyou can do today 今日事今日 21ltis more hiessed ia give hanto receive 能比受更有福 2 Amanofwendsandnotofdeedsislikeagarden hllafweeds 个光训不做的人好像一个花园,于而长清部是野草 3Awend befpre is wonh two behind 事前一句且退事生两 24 Actionis he pmoper fuitofknowiedge,行一是知该的点站困直. 和5 Anesr and haste hinder good counsel 慎乱和刍走以误大计。小不带则央大诬 和6One givesnathing volherily asadvics (Nodingis given so feely asadvicey 投有任何东西像电千于卫撤- 2 selfisabad counseler 利已心是最二的籽癌。自和非上第。 如Ambition makes People ditgent 。 礁心全人勤好 2Zealis全only lor wise men butisfound mosty in foels 雪训只和家智者,但总多半在最者身上。 30 An ancut gem goes notspartle。玉不珠,不成器 习1 Ahing afbeauty isajoy farever Diohn Keatsl 美的事物是水怕的喜视。(清吉) 2 Fairwithoutand foal (falsey within 金玉其外,牙加其中。鱼花导天。 Alaue helpis worh adcalofpity 济纪技图瞩认隔情- 34Alnue spark may Kindle ageat fre 星星之火可能本成大火- 35Amisisas Bood asa mile。 失之训生,基之下里.| 36 Asmallleak will sink ageat ship 小小的握酒可以弄泊一般大能。素一肯,惑全身- 37 Agnod beginmning makes agood ending 有好的轩娩才有好的结局,普始者必得终,, 8 He who pesins many hings fnishes but Rn 全楼事具有关蛤,到显来一事估万 9 He who would climb the dder must begin at the hotomL 干星之行,凤让足下。 20 Eveny pean hasis black 人人部有了点,全无奉售,人大完人 2 Every whiehath is black andevery swestits sur 如He atiouches pch shallee aefled 近朱者赤,过王者时-| Agood book isaliahtio the soul 一本好少是本现之光, 4Agood baokisthe bestoffiiends thesame oday and forever| 本好志是最好的用友,现在如此,了永得如此-, 二 By reading we enrich the mind by conversation we palish ic 计青使必智明襄,交该使心智明亮 46 Books and fiends should be few and well chosen 青捕和图友,员类不直多。多不如少,少不如好, Yoa camnotiella book by is cover 不能向封面了解青的内容。几事不可罗相, 可Fityou bonow thenyou beg IEmest Hemingwayl 先是向人借贷,本来向人乞求。 (海明威) He amned imely abeg thatcouidnatsay Nay 季会在当的时候向人请求,就不会被拒绝- 50Abeave and honcstman willspeak out 一个勇敢和诚实的人大障衣请-, 351Abeaveanm makesashorsword long 一个表政的人,手中的短习也会名成长他 Jask ofalltndesis masierofnene, 万事通,第事精通,周身刀没把和, Business Knowledge cannotbe bought Hean only beacqied by Iong sdy 商务的知识不是用多久上来的。它是组通长轩间学来的 SAsyou sow soyou eap (Asaman sows soshallhe eap) 稻反得瓜,竹豆得豆。一分灿标,一分收艇. 5 Ne emss npcmwm 没有痛苦的十字架,于有荣包的守哇,不受府内不成人 36No smoke withautfire fThereisno smoke without fre) 括火那有埋。集国不起浪。事出乞有因- 7 One gaod am desenrcs another 硬普因,得普果。普有普- 吕 One wrong hought may cause aliflong regret 一失足成下二 9 Think before youact 三加而德行。 0 Weak men wait propporunities stong men make them 弹痢等千允会,给者创造克会- 161The man wha oses hisopporunites oves hinwel IGeorge Moorel 类去机会的人就失去了自身,(订并) 全Opporunity comes ofien io the man whoisready forit 楼人如旦寺做好准俏的人而来, is oo te orieve when the chanee spast 错失良和柚,生之恨踢, 的Agood chamacteris better han agood forune, 好的品德及过从一和册原的肝关-。 的 Great mannens are anaetive 良好的入名是请人的。好检狐,吸引信 66 Good manpens like good wards costathing and are wonh eveoything 良好的入名负良言,量是一文不值,部是价值速拓- 7 The weakest gocs io the wall 最央忆的人让上本时。肖内绢食- 人