1 Re whe has health has hepe 国得青山在,不从没半夫|
2 Misery oves company (tnever rains put pours) 福不昌行
kesallsors to make world 一往米普百种人 世界是形形色色的人所组成的)
4 Thereare wosides ioevery quesion, 爷个加是帮有正反二而破
5 SalFiutis the fstseeret ofsaceess, 自信是成功的第一入
6 Every man hashistaste 人各有所好
了Experience is the extactofsufiering .后验是由瑚贡中梯取出来的
S The wealth ofhe mind is he only tmue wealth 心芝的时家才是叭一直正的财宇
Love makes the wonid gm round 受使亿界短
IOUifeis natmenely living bat iving in health .生活不只要活,而且要活的他康