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瘾迷 上传于:2024-05-04
CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT 保密协议 between [了 围方[ hereinafter SCHINDLER) 《下称“氨达” and 世太 [3 hereinafter RECIPIENT) 《以下称 “接受方") Whereas,Schindler may inditnecessary to discloseto the RECIPIENT cerain confidential and proprietany infommation which wil be used by the RECIPIENT only for the purpose asindicated below 禾于,迅达认为有必要向接受方提供仅限于以下用和的保密和专有信息 Now therefore in consideraton of the mutual covenants the paries agree as folows: 双方当事人据此达成以下协定 车 SCHINDLERisthe owner oftechnical business and other financial niommation which may incude, batis netimied to knowhow,techniques concepls ideas, experience,speciication drawings, Samples designs softvare and manufacturinginformation related to escalators,elevators and moving walkways and ralated goods fnereinafier Confidential infommation) that shall be deemed andl remain the property of SCHINDLER 1通达为技术、商业以及其他财务信息的所有人。 这些信息包括但不限于与自动扶攀、电梯、自动人行 道和相关产品相关的专有技术工艺、概念、构思、经验、技术规格、图纸、祥本、设计、软件,以及 加工信息 《以下统称保密信息) 。这些保密信息将被视为迅达的志有财产。 2 SCHINDLERwil provide RECIPIENT with such Confdental information etherin writen,oral or other iangible orintangible fomms inthe topic and forthe Purpose as indicated below 2,迅达将以书面、口头、有形或无形等形式提供标明以下标题和用进的保密信息, Topi [了 标芽, [ Pumase, [ 用途, [3 3 The RECIPIENT underakes 3,接受方保证 tokeep the Confidential infomation secret and notio dlsclose itto is affliated companies or any hd party, 对保密信息采取保密措施,不将保密信息延吕给其关联公司或任何第三广 to restict disciosure of Confidential niormation only to is employees who have aneed io know the Confidential Infomnation and to impose the oblgations ofthis Agreementto them 只将保密信息种给有几要了解的员工,并而保其民生本协议界定的相关的义务| to use the Confidential infommation solely for the purpose pemmited by SCHINDLER and io use the same degree of care as sused withthat parys own Confidential niormation and 。 仅将保密信息用于么表达许可的用途,并且保密水平不多于其自己的保密信息的保密水平,此外, -nottouse Confidential informaton or findings and developments derved directy orindiecty tois own benefitor for he benefit of any affliate related pary or any otherthird party and 不将上还保涛信息及任何直接或接衍生于该保次信息的发现和研发结果用于为自身或其分支机 构、关器方及其他任何第三广洲求利益,关且 notto copy or otherwise reproduce the received Confdentialinfommation 不复印或复制任何收到的保密信息; to prolectitwith technical organisational and other measures againstihe access by a thrd pary 采卫相应的技术、组织成其他措施保护保密信息,防止第三太接龟保密信息。 to retum the Confidential Information to SCHINDLER or remove ii whenever requested by SCHINDLER andto confim the ul restitution in wiing,, 无论何时,只要示达要求,及时将保密信息返还给迅达成将其届除,并对此进行世面确认, notio make an application for an intelectual propertyy rght and not io assert any intelectual property mght based on the Confidential Infomation or findings and developments derived Hthereromin any way 不得以任何方式基于保窗信息吕其衍生的研究成果申报或主张知识产权 4 IOpiionak Im the event of non fulilment of the obligations under this Agreement to pay to SCHINDLER on demand with or without evidance of damage,a panaly of IRMB 了- 4,另选项,如果接受方不风行本协议项下得义务,无论有无损失证明扫受方才应向达支付金疾为 RMB .的名多- SCHINDLER may alany meclaim forcompensaton fordamagesinacdiionto he pena