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拥抱春风 上传于:2024-04-20
SWE 五年级(上)教案 Module 1Routines And Dates Unitl Whatis OurLife Like? Unita 。 How Many Temms ”DoYou Haveina Schoolyear? Unit3 Lers Go Furher Module 2 Abiliies Unit4 。 What Can They Do? Unit5 。 What Can the Robot Doy Module3 Plants Unit7 Lefs goto the towershow Unit8 We mustmtpick he fowers Module 4Travel Unitlg Where Are You Going on Holiday? Unitll How Are You Going There? Unitll How Are You Going There? & Unit 2 Lets Go Funher Modules Zoo Animals Unitl3 They Are Going io the Zoo Unit 14 They Are Visiing the Zoo Module 6 Directions Unitl6 Could YouTell Me he Way ohe Zooy Unitl7 Where ls the School Canteeny Unitls Lets Go Furher Module 1 Routines And bates .Objectives 1 Language skill (1D) Can talk about one's daily roufines, (2) Can talk abouf the differences between +he arrangements of fwo schools. 2,Language knowledoe (D Vocabulary 4 skilks Tomor