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不要回头 上传于:2024-04-25
色 who leams putdoes netihink ilost he who thinks putdoesnotieamisindager 则困,思而不学则列。 mtitapleasure that fiends come tosee you from far away? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐平 eam he new while reviewing the old,涅故而知新。 De netde io others what you wouid notlike yourself 已所不敬,穆施于人。 1 下 Four short words sam up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: abittle 晴 more, 成功的密决就是简单的四个字,多一点点。 2 By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we Polish it读书可以全我们思想充实,交 谈使其更到完美, Difficult cireumstances serve asatextbook oflifs for peopls,困难坎坷是人们的生活教科 | ATalintapit againipyourwit 吃一,长一御。 Remember that the man who can shoulder he mostrisk will gain the deepestlove and the supreme aceomplishment,记住, 那些收于承担最大风险的人才能得到最深的爱和最大的成 6 Remember the three "respects Respect yourselt respect others stand on dignity and pay atention to your behavior 记住三*草"尊重你自己, 尊重别人,保持苯严,对自己的行为 负责。 Liveanoble and honest life Reviving Past imesin yourold age will help youio enjoy yourlit again,过一种商尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回忆过去,你就能再一次训受人生。 有 He who winotieam when heisyoung will eeretitwhen heisold,少壮不努力,老大徒作 瑟, 1 1 Ahedge between keeps iendship green 看了之交注如水。 Alightheartlives long 静以养身。 Asilentiongue and te heartare the most admirable things on earth 绒默的, 真诚的心,是 世界上最令人赞美的东西。 Alile bady ofien harborsa great soul 知音礁责。 ATfaithful fiendishard io find 淋纳的都是精品。 下 Familiar Quotations 下 Ateacheraffects etemity; he can never tell where hisinfluence stops 2 Education snothe hling of pail but he ighting ofa fie 3 The education ofa manisnevercompleted until he dies, 人。 Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly everacquire the skiltodo iieult hings easily- 5 正you wish to suceeed you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your eferenee Prudence as your brother and hope as yoursentry 6 Ceasetosmmggleandyou ceasetolive 了Re whe seizes the right moment is the right man Allhaman wisdomissummedupin wo words waitan