人 B change your seat,在领子的手上写上英文字侠 A 或者B ,拖他们分成机级,人数要
相当哦,然后把弗子都搬过来围成一个围,由老师发号施令, A change your seatl手上写着
人 的小朋友必须互换座位,同样的方法可以说 B change your seat AB change your seat:这个
WriteAorB on ids hands and divide them into two groups And then et them siton their charis
训 acircle When the teacher says “A change your seatr The kids whose hands write A should
hange theirseats with otherA kids. This way also suits forkids B
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(姑,M),持有该字母卡片的幼儿站出来并说,Lam M Follow