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以你为圆心以爱为半径 上传于:2024-04-03
来华留学生综合医疗保险 Comprehensive Medical Insurance Plan of Foreign Students in China 留学生综合保障计划简介 Brief Introduction to the Comprehensive Insurance Plan of Foreign Students 保险责任 Insurance Liabilities 在保险责任有效期内,本公司承担下列保险责任: This company shall undertake the following insurance liabilities during the period of insurance: ·        身故保险责任: 被保险人因意外伤害事故或疾病(含SARS)死亡,本公司按约定保险金额给付保险金,保险责任终止。 1.1        Loss of Life Insurance     This company shall pay the stipulated amount of insurance compensation if the Insured dies of any accidental injury or disease (including SARS). ·        残疾保险责任: 被保险人因遭受意外伤害事故,并自遭受意外伤害之日起一百八十日内导致残疾,本公司按照《平安意外残疾附加责任条款》所附“残疾程度与给付比例表”的规定比例乘以约定保险金额给付保险金。 1.2        Disability Insurance     If the Insured suffers from any accidental injury which results in any disability within 180 days since the occurrence of the accidental injury, this company shall be liable for the agreed amount of insurance multiplying the proportion stipulated in the Proportion Table between the Degree of Disability and the Payment attached to Ping An’s Additional Liability Clause for Accidental Disability. 被保险人不论一次或多次发生意外伤害保险事故,本公司均按规定分别给付意外残疾保险金,但累计给付金额以不超过约定保险金额为限。 This company shall respectively pay the insurance compensation for accidental disability in accordance with the stipulations no matter the Insured suffers from accidental injury for once or several times, however the accumulative payment hereto shall not exceed the stipulated amount of insurance. 被保险人自意外伤害事故发生并导致残疾之日起一百八十日内由于同一原因死亡,本公司只给付约定保险金额与意外残疾保险金的差额;超过一百八十日死亡,不论是否同一原因所致,本公司按约定保险金额给付保险金,保险责任终止。 If the Insured dies of the same reason within 180 days since the occurrence of accidental injury which results in any disability, this company shall be liable only for the difference between the stipulated amount of insurance and the insurance compensation for accidental disability; if the Insured dies after 180 days, this company shall pay the stipulated amount of insurance no matter the death is caused by the same reason. ·        意外伤害医疗保险责任: 1.3        Accidental Injury Medical Treatment Insurance 被保险人因遭受意外伤害事故,并自事故发生之日起一百八十日内进行治疗,本公司就其实际支出的合理医疗费用按100%给付意外伤害医疗保险金,累计给付金额以约定的保险金额为限。 If the Insured receives any medical treatment within 180 days since the occurrence of the accidental injury, this company shall be liable for the actual and reasonable expenses for medical treatment, however the accumulative payment shall not exceed the stipulated amount of insurance. ·        住院医疗保险责任: 1.4        Hospitalization Medical Insurance 被保险人因意外伤害事故或因疾病(含SARS),经医院诊断必须住院治疗,本公司就其实际支出的护理费(限额100元/天)、床位费(限额100元/天)、手术费、药费、治疗费、化验费、放射费、检查费等合理医疗费用,按100%给付“住院医疗保险金”,累计给付金额以约定的保险金额为限。 If the Insured must be hospitalized through diagnosis for any accidental injury or disease (including SARS), this company shall be liable for the actual and reasonable expenses for medical treatment including nursing fee (limited to RMB100 Yuan per day), bed fee (limited to RMB100 Yuan per day), expenses for operation, medicine, treatment, laboratory test, radiation and examination, however the accumulative payment shall not exceed the stipulated 5、团体高额医疗费用保险责任: 1.5        Group Major Medical Expenses Insurance 被保险人因疾病(含SARS)或意外伤害住院治疗而导致的在保险期间发生的合理且必要的医疗费用以及在保险期间内发生并延续至保险合同到期日后一个月内的合理且必要的住院医疗费用(包括床位费(限额100元/天)、药费治疗费、护理费、护工费(限额100元/天)、检查检验费、特殊检查治疗费、救护车费和手术费),在累计超过起付线(人民币6万元)时,本公司对起付线以上至封顶线(人民币40万元)的部分按100%给付住院医疗保险金。 As for the reasonable and necessary expenses for the medical treatment hereto occurred during the period of insurance as well as the expenses for hospitalization medical expenses (including the bed fee (limited to RMB100 Yuan per day), expenses for medicine, nursing fee (limited to RMB100 Yuan per day), treatment, laboratory test and examination, special examination and treatment, ambulance and operation) which is occurred during the period of insurance and extended into one month after the expiration of the insurance agreement, if the Insured is hospitalized for any disease (including SARS) or accidental injury, this company shall be liable for the amount of insurance compensation exceeding RMB60,000 Yuan but limited to RMB400,000 Yuan. 注:以上所有医疗机构仅限于中华人民共和国大陆境内的公立医院。医疗费用范围只限于符合当地社会基本医疗保险规定报销范围的项目和费用,但承担乙类药品的自负费用。 Note: All the foregoing medical organizations shall be limited to the public hospitals established within the board of the People’s Republic of China; The scope of medical treatment expenses shall be limited to the items and expenses which can be reimbursed in accordance with the local regulations on social basic medical insurance. However the expenses for the B-class medicine shall be paid by themselves. 责任免除 Liability Exemption 身故及残疾责任免除 Liability Exemption for Loss of Life and Disability 因下列情形之一,造成被保险人身故、残疾的,本公司不负给付保险金责任: This company shall be exempted from the insurance liabilities for the loss of life and disability of the Insured for any of the following circumstances: 一、投保人或受益人的故意行为; 二、被保险人犯罪、吸毒、殴斗、酒醉、自残或自杀; 三、被保险人酒后驾驶或无照驾驶; 四、被保险人怀孕、流产或分娩; 五、被保险人患有爱滋病或其它性病。 六、战争、军事行动、内乱或武装叛乱; 七、核爆炸、核辐射或核污染; 八、专业人员参与的高风险运动及高危竞技类活动。 发生上述情形,被保险人身故的,本公司对该被保险人保险责任终止,并在扣除手续费后退还该被保险人的未满期保险费。 1.        any intentional act of the applicant for insurance or the beneficiary; 2.        criminal act, addiction to narcotic, fighting, drunkenness, self-injury or suicide of the insured; 3.        driving while intoxicated or driving without license of the insured; 4.        pregnancy, miscarriage or childbirth of the insured; 5.        AIDS or other VD of the insured; 6.        War, military action, civil rebellion or armed revolt; 7.        Nuclear explosion, radiation or pollution; 8.        High-risk sports and athletic acti