文件编号, XI4.01
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n consideralion of my employment by TECHNOLOGY CO-LTD, or any ofis associated or affiiated
ompanies (hereinafier called "the Company”) ,Therehy underake and agree ro the following
本人为接受 XXXX 科技 《XX》 有限公司( 后简称为“XXXXY ) 之聘骨,同意下列保密事项
丰 Hold confidential for all ime, all hnowledse and infprmation which Thave or may acqsire with
eferenee to inventions discoverics fomalas matcrials. componcnts composiions of materials
Products processes art methods machines dvices designs infonmation improvement ”know
Towr aa somen avd busincss of he Compay or amy ofits associaled oraftilialcd companicx except
aalhorized in the conduct of sach business moto use ordivalge or ake outand sellng direcdy or
indirecty io anyone such knowicdge or iafemation of compoacats and any Part of he produetion
《ee Mobilphone cover) thereof
本人同意将所得之 XXXX 技术资料加以保密。 XXXX 之技术包括注显,喷漆,模具设计工艺
本人保证除非得到 XXXX 的许可,绝不自行使用该等商料,也不直按或间接把该等料汶需
给任何人或单位,也不失自示经许可自行合取生产产品(如手机外党等) 出售或自行保留-
2 Sanenderio the Company, upon termination ofmy employmnent all propertics ofthe Company and it
associated oraffiliated companics inclading but not limited to allcorrespondence tnicings blacprints
mawings desigms reporis notsbooks and documents of every characterand desetiption which perain
Ithe Company oris associated oraffiliated companics and notio retain any