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暗下来的天气 上传于:2024-04-28
犯界心理 Criminal Minds Joseph Conrad said "The beliefin asupematural source of evilis notnecessary Men alone are qu ite capable of every wickedness (没有必要相信有超自然的罪恶根源,人类本身闵获肖所有 于亚一 Joseph Conrad (波兰出生的英国作家)7 Enmerson said Allisriddle and thekey toariddleisanotherriddle”(一切者是谜。而解开一个 证的钥凸,是另一个半一一爱于生) Winston Churchill said, "The farther backward you can logk the fanher forward you will see (你 越是回头看,就越能看到前广的东西一芋吉尔) Nietzsche once said "When you look long into an abyss the abyss looks into you ”(当你长久地 观察深济时, 深也在观察你一尼采) (abyss一这沙,深不可测的事物 James Reese once said "There are certain clues ata crime scene which by their very nature dono lend themselves io being collected or examined. How does one collect love. mage.hatred feary” 《我们在犯办现场收集检查线索的时候不能依据他们的本质-一爱, 慎娩,恨,害怕一这 些怎么可能被我们收集到呢? ) Einstein once said: "Imagination is more important than Knowledge Knowledge islimited Imagin ation eneireles the werld ”(起象力比知识更重要。知识是有限的,想象力却环绕了整个世界 一爱因斯坦) Faalkner once said "Dont betherjustto be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Tryt be better than yourself (不要光为超越则或前而需情。试着超越自己一-福克纳) Samuel Johnson wrote, "Almostallabsurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble (几乎所有荡唐的行为都源于司仿那些我们根木不可能与之相象的人一 一Samuel Johnson (英国作家)) Fiench poetJacques Riautsaid "Dont foretthatTeannotsee myself hat my moleislimited ob eing the one who looks in the mirror”(别忘了我是看不到自己的,我最多只能做个妥镜子的 人一一aeques Rigaut (法国诗人)7 Rose Kennedy once said, "Binds sing aftera stomm Why shouldnt people feel as free to delightin whatever sanlightremains to them?”《岛儿会在基风二后歌别,可为什么人们在阳光下还不能 尽情享受快乐呢?一Rose Kennedy ) Euripides said, "When agood manis hurt all who would be called good mustsuffer with him 《当一个好人受到伤害,所有真正的好人必将与其共同承受一Euripides (希腊许人)) Euripides said "When loveisin excess itbrings a man no honor nor wonhiness"(过度的爱会全 人失去所有荣据和价值一Euripides 《希腊许人) Nietzsche wrote Theimationality ofa thingisnotan argumentagainstits existence rather acon diion ofik”(一件事情的茂吾不在于他没有存在的可能,而在于他存在的条件不可能达到 一尼采) Shalkespeare wrote "Nothing isso common as the wish to be remarkable (没有什么比希望非凡 更平凡了一一莎士比亚) Hemingway wrote "Thereisno hunting like the hunting of man and hose who have hunted amme dmen long enough and liked it never really care for anything else"(没有任何猫捕比得上对人的 猫捕,那些长期并且喜欢猫捕武装份子的人从来不会真的在乎其他任何东西 海明威 CarlJang said.rThe healthy man docs nottorare others Generally itis the onured who um into onurere健康的人不会折麻别人-通常是于些被折磨的人变成了折魔别人的人一容格(到 士心理学家)?) Robert Oxion Bolton wrote, "Abeliefisnot merely anideathat mind passesses_ Itisan idea thatp ossesses the mind."【并不是思想控制信仰,而是信仰控制思想一一Robert Oxton Bolton) Albert Einstein asked, raqueslion that sometimes drives me hazy- amTorthe others crazy? (有 个问题常常让我站涂一是我煞了还是其他人都疯了? 一爱因斯组) 息How seerets deep How seerets become dark Thats in the mature of seerts 一一Cory Docorow 【科利。多克托罗《1971 年 7 月 11 日出生于加拿大温太华多伦多,科幻小说作家和技 术注进主义分子),秘密如此深给,秘密变得如此黑樟。这吉是秘密的本质.] 全One ends to wist ficts io suittheoriesinsead of theories to suitfacts一Sherlock Holmes 【焉洛克。 福尔摩斯,将事实强加于理论,而非将理论二用于事实-了 人Evildmaws menogether一Aristotle 【亚里士多德,那瑟将人隧于一处.】 1didnthave anyhing against them and hey never did anything wrong to me the way other people have all my life. Maybe theyre justthe ones who have to pay foric一Peny Smith 【Perry Smith(淮自杀手, 与同伙 Dick Hickock 关系籁妙, 作家 Tuman Capote 的TIn Cold Blood上 一书的原型,可参看电影『Capote」TInfamousj): 我并不针对他们,他们也没对我 犯过错,是其他人这么对我的。也许他们是应该为此偿还的人。】 站There is not a righteous man on carth who docs what is right and never sins. Ecclesiastes T20 【旧约-传道蔬 第七章 第二十篇, 时党行关而不犯罪的义人,世上实在没有.了 国Fom the deepest desires afien come the deadliesthate 一Socrates 【苏格拉底,最深的从总能引起最极端的做根.了 The lives ofthe dead ar recorledin the minds ofthe living 一Cicero 【西塞罗 《Marcus Tullius Cicero,公元前 106一前 43 年,古罗马最杰出的演说家、教育 家,十奥共和思想最优秀的代表,古罗马文学黄金时代的天才作家): 生者记忆中,逝者长 存.1 Ouriifeis made by the deathofothers 一Leonandoda Vinci 【达芬奇: 我们的生活是建立在他人的死亡之上,】 者1f there must be trouble, Jet it be in my day that my children may have peace -一一Thomas Paine 【托马斯。潘胃 十八世纪美国革命家、思想宣传家,1737-1809)。俏若纷乱无法避免, 请终结于我的时代,使我的后代永享和平.】 全Tragedy is a iool for the living to gain wisdom Not a guide by which to live 一一Robert Kennedy 【罗伯特 *背尼巡: 翡加是一种工具,让生者增长智厅但不能靠它来引导生活的方式,】 人Live asifyou were todic omomrow Leam asifyou were to live forever一一Gandhi 【甘地:如同明日将死于样生活,如同永远不死屠样求知 人There can be no good without evil 一一Russian Prover 【俄罗斯庆活,没有恶,则没有善.了 人Happy families are allalike every unhappy family is unhappy inits own way一一Leo Tolstoy 【列赤* 托尔斯泰, 幸福的家庭都修此相似,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸.了 国One mans wildemessisanother mans theme park 一一Author unknown 【作者不详。一个人的荒野是另一人的主题公园.】 全1choose my friends for their good looks my acquaintances for heir good character and my enemies for their goodintellects 一Oscar Wilde 【奥斯卡, 王尔德。我根据长相选择朋友,根据人品选择妆人,根据智力选择政人,了 The defects and fauls of he mind are like wounds in he bady After all