王先锋《远洋船长) 2019-9.20
一: 源引 P&I (国际和中国船东保赠协会条款) 人MLC(国际劳工公约条款)
A. Employer shall bear the costs for seafarers in respectofsickness and injury of the
seafarers occurring between the date of commencing duty and the date upon
which they are deemed duly repatriated, or arising from theiremployment
between those dates
全 Theliability ofthe shipowner to defray the expense of medical care and board and
Todging are limited to a period which shall not be less than 16 weeks from the day of
the injury or the commencement of the sickness,船东有责任去支付医疗保健和食
宿从开始伤害或疾病起不得少于 16 周。
全 Where the sickness results in ineapacity for works the shipowner shall be liable
人Fa) to pay ull wages as long as the sick seafarers remain on board or until the
Seafarers have been repatriated; and 应支付生病海员的工资只要他在船或者到他被
人bj to pay fourth-fifths of the wages from the time when the seafarers are
repatriated or landed until their recovery.要支付 45 工资,从遣返日到抵达目的地
(全 The liability of the shipowner to pay founh-fifths of the wages in respect of a
Sick seafarer no longer on board may be limited to a period which shall not be less
than 16 weeks from the day of the commencement of the sickness,船东的责任: 支
付生病船上海员 4/5 的工资时间不得少于 16 周。
(iv) where the injury results in incapacity either permanent or permanent partial or
temporary incapacity, the liability and the compensation limitation of the shipowner
are to follow the Employees Compensation Ordinance, Chapter 282,如果受伤导致
应遵循《雇员补偿条例》,第 282 章
(V) Shipowners' liability may be excluded in respect of : 船东可能不付责任的情形
(vaj injury incurred otherwise than in the service of the ship; 受伤是发生在非服务
(wb) iniam or sicmess due to the wilful misconductof the sick
injured or deceased seafarer: and 由于不当的行为导致生病、受伤或者死亡;和
(we) sickness orinfirmity intentionally concealed when the engagementis entered
into. 签订协议时故意隐藏潜在的疾病隐患。
C. Employer shall defray the expense of medical care,including medical treatment
and the supply ofthe necessary medicines and therapeutic appliances and board
and lodging away from home until the sick orinjured seafarer has recovered or
antilthe sickness or incapacity has been declared ofa permanent character as per
he ruless regulations ofthe Pand Lclub the shipis entered with
腾宿,直至伤病海员痊愈,或其疾病或伤残根据船舶加入的 P&I 协会条款规
D. Employer shall pay the cost of burial expenses im the case of death occurring om
board or ashore during the period ofengagement as per the rules regulations of
thePand Tclub the shipis entered with
根据船舶加入的 P&T 协会条款,如果海员受雇期间发生在船上或岸上死亡的
E.Employer shall take measures for safeguarding property left on board by sick,
injared or deceased seafarers and forretuming itto them orto theirnext of kin as
perthe rules,regulations of the P& Tclub the ship is entered with .
根据船舶如入的 P&I 协会,公司应采取措施保护患病、受伤或死亡海员留在船
6. National laws orregulations may exempt the shipowner