艾会忠 AI Hui-zhong
(中煤第一建设有限公司第二工程处,徐州 221000)
(The No.2 Engineering Division of China Coal No.1 Construction Co.,Ltd.,Xuzhou 221000,China)
摘要: 曾经不少人在落实党管安全责任这项制度方面提出质疑:“是不是安全工作完全由党组织来管理”。基于此,本文重点分析并阐述落实党管安全责任主要做法,同时提出相应的政策建议,进而为落实党管安全责任提供参考依据。
Abstract: Once a lot of people questioned in the implementation of the Party charging safety responsibility system: "Is safety work entirely managed by the Party?". Based on this, this paper analyzes and expounds the main methods of impl