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两面 上传于:2024-06-03
摘要 最近几年随着我国经济的发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,汽车的销量每年都在迅速的增加,世界各国的汽车行业,在看到了中国这个巨大的市场后,纷纷加大对中国市场的开拓。无论是国内汽车品牌,还是国外汽车品牌,它们除了在产品的性能、外观、质量上一直推陈出新外,在市场营销上的竞争也日益激烈。 随着数字社会和e化时代的到来,互联网逐渐进入到寻常百姓身边,大大改变了人们学习、工作、娱乐和获取信息的方式,网络营销这一新兴的营销模式应运而生,将之视为未来营销竞争优势的主要渠道。 汽车行业的网络营销打破传统营销渠道模式,汽车企业借助网络营销为顾客在售前、售中、售后的每个环节提供大量相关信息及一系列周到服务,为企业实现全程渠道营销管理提供支持。未来汽车企业的竞争重点将更多的表现为营销渠道的竞争,对营销渠道的控制就是终端消费市场的控制。 本文主要介绍了我国汽车网络营销的相关概念、现状及营销策略思考,通过对我国网络经济发展现状、中国互联网环境的分析,结合我国汽车行业网络营销的模式,阐述了我国汽车行业网络营销策略思考及建议。 【关键词】:汽车行业,网络营销,营销策略 Abstract In recent years with the development of our country's economy, the continuous improvement of people's living standard, car sales increased rapidly each year, the world automobile industry, in saw after this huge market in China, stepping up to the Chinese market. Both domestic brands and foreign brands, they are in addition to the product performance, appearance, quality has been innovation, in the marketing competition is increasingly fierce. With the advent of the era of digital society and e, the Internet gradually entered the ordinary people, greatly changed people study, work, entertainment, and access to information, network marketing the new marketing model arises at the historic moment, as the main channel to marketing competitive advantage in the future. Automobile industry network marketing to break the traditional marketing channel mode, auto enterprise by means of network marketing to customers in the pre-sale, sale, after-sale each link to provide a large number of relevant information and a series of thoug