The Use of Body Language in Schools
摘要: 随着语言教学和学习方法的不断改革, 教师迫切需要用英语组织课堂,创设英语学习环境。 然而,
关键词 英诸教学,创设情境,肢体语言,
With the continual reform of language teaching and learning methods,teachers are in great
demand to organize the classes in English and create English-learning cireumstances,Howeve
with the limitation of students,vocabulary,teachers have to simplify their teaching la
neguage with the help of facial expressions and body movenments,In this article,the possibi
1ity and the effect of using body language in listening,speaking,reading and writing will
be further discussed,
1 Introduction
As everyone knows,the classroom teaching is one of the most important ways that the studen
ts learn English。As far as the English teaching in the middle schools is concerned,teache
is have to arouse the students,interest so that they may learn better,There are many ways
to arouse the students,interest and help then to learn better,body language used in Engl
ish teaching is one of them
Body language is an impartant media through which people communicate with each other,It re
fiers to the patterns of facial expressions and gestures that people use to express their fe
elings in comaunication。The specialist on body language research,Fen, Lafle。hngles,once
Said: “0nee it Was lost,a baby couldn' t have Brown into a normal person',Its also true
to the javeniles,In school education,body language plays a positive role in cultivating +
he students,characters,For,teachers are usually respected,and factually,what or how th
teachers say and do will be possibly imitated by the students (sometimes subconsciously)
Im a word,teachers”graceful body language helps to improve the students”artistic-apprec
iation and moral character,If the students develop a wonderful body language,which will p
ossibly leads them to form an optimistic and active feelings,they will surely have a more
smooth interpersonal relation.
The affection of teachers,body language on the students is reflected not only by establish
ing a good exammple,bnt also shortening the teacher-student estrangement by which a more ha
monious studying atmosphere is created,As a matter of fact,teachers,friendly appearance
can greatly eneourage the students,studying enthusiasn, Furthernore,the characteristics
of theoretie and abstraction of knowledge also requires the vivid,dramatic and an aceessib
le gestures to make it specific and figurative,As a result,the students, interest is moti
rated and the effect of teaching is greatly improved
1 The necessity and importance of using body language in English teaching
English teaching is a key part of the school education,With the English teaching methods
eform,more and more English teachers organize the teaching process in English so that they
may realize the Communicated English,The Communicated English means that teachers instruc
tthe students and explain questions basically in English,and the students are also requir
ed to use English in class,Contemporarily,however,the students in the middle school can'
t speak very well; neither can they understand why they should use different tones in diffe
rent time or situation; their vocabulary and expressive ability are limited too,These limi
tations made it djfficult to realize the Communicated English in the classes,hccording to
the students”present level and practical situation,body language is required,For example,
hen a teacher gives an instruction: “You two,please come to the blackboard ”The student
Scan easily understand it if the teacher looks at (or points to) some tmo students,Then
the teacher points to the blackboard,The students will carry out the order without obstacl
even if they don' t hear the key wards “blackboard”clearly,Furthermore,teachers usually
have to explain some language points,and at this time,they have to differentiate the cla
ssroom expressions and the examples,Take it for example,we ought to use the form have do
ne” such as "Have you finished that job jet? ”To make the students understand clearly,a
eacher has lots of ways, To do it by speed,he uses a cammon speed when reading “we ought
use the form 'have done',and reads slowly when giving examples; he can also get the eff
ect by repeating the example "Have you finished that job jet ; a more frequent way is to us
gestures to lay emphasis on the key points when he said "have done"(emphasizing it in voi
ce at the same time),he reaches out his index finger,pauses in the air,and then gives ou
t the example,This action will usually give the students a deep impression,From the above
We can learn, the use of body language in English teaching is necessary and practical,In
the English teaching in middle schools,body language is frequently used to improve the tea
ching effect and the students' ability
111,The conerete application of the body language in 1istening,speaking,read
ing and writing
1 Body language helps to inprove listening
The Greek philosopher Epictetus ever wittily said: “Nature has given man one tongue and two
ears that he may hear twice as meh as he speaks.”From the saying we can learn how import
ant the listening is in our daily life,To understand others is a basic purpose in English
teaching,and teachers often train the students,listening accordingly,In this process,if
the body language is used,the effect will be better,When beginning a new lesson,the tea
cher marrates the story outline in English。The body language may help,For example,a teac
her can stretch his arms slowly when he says “She is in a very big room; he can open his e
yes Widely With mouth opened when he says “She is so beautiful a lady",As a result,the st
udents Will have such an impression: She is very beautiful indeed; a teacher who imitates +
he crying or the movement of the animals under the prenise of teaching order will surely ac
hieve a better effect
2,Body language helps to inprove spesking
The spoken language is one of the important ways to communicate,so we should try to develo
the students,ability of speaking,Factually they are helped to reach the aim in a certai
m degree by their teacher's body language,
The contemporary emphasis is gradually laid on spoken English teaching,The first lesson of
every unit im Senior English begins with dialogue,The teaching progranms require the teach
ers to organize the class to practice English according to the characteristics of dialogue.
Generally speaking,the body language can arouse and sustain the students” interest of lea
ming and using English。In the English class,the teachers should not only use body langua
es themselves,but also ask the students to use them according to the different situation
Take it for example,the first lesson in Unit one,Book one is about the time when the new
Students first meet,and they don' t know each other, So a teacher can introduce himself fi
st,such as: “Hello,everyone,nice to meet you here,Now T11 introduce mself to you 由
name is Arthur,I like playing basketball,for,it makes me mach stronger; I like playing
chess,for,it makes me more clever; and T like reading books,for,"reading makes one perf
ect',During the introduction,the teacher should use the new vocabularies and sentence st
uctures together with a vivid expression and mating gestures as possibly as he can lte sni
1les when he says hello to the class; he shakes hands with some students saying “Nice to mee
t you"; he writes name domn on the blackboard; he imitates the action of dribbling and shoo
ting at the basketball,playing chess and turning pages to explain his hobby,After his int
roduction,the teacher can create a cireumstance for the students to practice: Mary and 本
ack are new classmates,They are walking together in the street,and they meet one of Jack
sold friends,Yangpei。 Then Yangpei and Mary are introduced to each other by Jacke ”Ahfte
T the students,practice the dialogue is introduced naturally from it,Usually,the applica
tion of body language in different situations will result in an attracting and suecessful 1
3,Body language helps to inprove reading
The purpose of Senior English teaching is to train the students,preliminary ability of usi
ng spoken and written English,In the senior school,we lay emphasis one the reading abilit
ythat serves the students,further study,Here we mainly mention the helpfulness for readi
ng aloud(关读),Reading aloud helps the students to get a correct pronuneiation and intonat
ion and to develop the combination of vocabularies,pronuneiation,spelling and meaning,Fu
thermore it also helps the students to find out the article's internal feelings and apprec
iate the beau