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Unit 1 I don’t put much stock in the idea of luck. I think that usually things go well or not so well for people based on their actions. I believe that for the most part you create your own luck by working hard, practicing self-discipline, remaining persistent, and making personal growth a daily priority. 我不相信幸运这一类事情.我认为大多数时候事情发展地顺利或不顺利主要因为人们自己的行为.我相信大多数的情况下你可以通过努力工作,自我约束,坚持不懈,把个人的发展作为每天必考虑的事情等方面创造自己的幸运. 2 Most careers involve other people. You can have great academic intelligence and still lack social intelligence--- the ability to be a good listener, to be sensitive toward others, to give and take criticism well 许多的职业都包含其他人(的参与). 你可能具有超强的学术能力,然而缺少社交能力,即有能力倾听别人,对其他人(的反应)敏感,甚至游刃有余地给出或吸纳批评. 3 If your circumstances constantly get you down, then maybe it’s time for a change--- not in your situation, but in your attitude. If you can learn to make the best of any situation, you can remove a formidable obstacle that stands between you and your dreams 如果你周边的环境经常让你意志消沉,也许你的确该改变一下了,可能不是改变你的位置,但至少是你的态度.如果你能学会很好地利用任何情况,你就能消除掉挡在你和你梦想之间的可怕的障碍. 4 Anybody can make an honest mistake when things are hectic. But people lacking focus have trouble not because they’re too busy, but because their priorities are out of whack. And that wastes their time and resources. 任何人在忙忙碌碌的时候都会犯错误.但是注意力不集中的人经常遇到麻烦不是因为他们太忙了,而是因为他们缺乏优先考虑的事情.这样,不仅浪费了他们的时间,也浪费了资源. 5 If you resist change, you’re really resisting success. Learn flexibility, or learn to like living with your failures. 如果你拒绝变化,你就是拒绝成功.学会灵活,否则就得学会习惯忍受失败. 6 The greater your talent, the more likely you are to lean heavily on it and skip the hard day-to-day work of improving it. If you possess this negative tendency, put yourself on a growth plan so that you can make the most of your God-given talent. 你的天分越大,你就有可能越倚赖于天分,甚至跳过日复一日完善它的工作.如果你有了这样消极的倾向,给自己定一个进步计划,这样你就能充分利用好上帝给你的天赋. Unit 2 Today, many institutions seem to be ignoring the liberal arts in favor of a curriculum that leans more and more toward vocational careers in some trade or occupation. 现在,很多院校似乎忽视文科,课程的设置越来越偏重那些面向某一行业或某一职业的教育。 1. Teachers and professors too often are portrayed as idealists living in an ivory tower who are out of touch with real world. They are accused of emphasizing academic skills or studies that do not relate directly to helping a person move closer to a prospective job or career. 老师、教授常被描述成生活在象牙塔中的理想主义者,他们不谙世事,只强调理论知识的学习,而这些知识对人们进一步走向未来的工作或职业并没有直接关系。 The problem is that most students now view higher education as a particular means to a particular end. 问题是现在很多学生把高等教育看成是达到某种目的的某种手段。 2. The justification for a university is that it preserves the connection between knowledge and the zest of life, by uniting the young and the old in the imaginative consideration of learning. 大学之所以存在是因为它维系了学习知识和热爱生活二者间的联系。这种结合是在对学习充满想象的思考中,通过把现在和过去联系起来而得以实现。 .The student “has four years to discover himself a space between the intellectual wasteland he has left behind and the inevitable dreary professional training that awaits him after the baccalaureate. 学生“有四年的时间来发现他已经越过的知识荒漠与毕业后必然面对的单调的职业培训之间还有多大的距离。” 3.We must make each student begin to see his or her place as a small, but vital, link in a continuous chain of humanity that began thousands of years ago and stretches on well into the future. 我们必须使每个学生开始明白:他/ 她在人类连绵不断的链条上只是其中的一环,这一环虽小,却至关重要。这链条的前面有数千年的历史,并向无限的未来延伸。 4.Life does not consist of taking courses in small segments. A productive life consists of finding huge tasks and mastering them with whatever tools of intelligence and energy we have. We are going to turn you loose on some huge tasks. Let's see what you can do with them. 人生不是孤立地学习一些课程,充实的人生应该是找到艰巨的任务,然后尽我们所能—用我们的知识、力量来完成。我们准备放手让你们来完成一些艰巨的任务。让我们拭目以待—看看你们如何来完成。 5.Let us create environments where our students can grow and emerge as creative and thinking persons – individuals who know history, philosophy, religion, literature, etc. After all, these are the "liberalizing arts, the studies that liberate the mind and send it questing on strange and alluring adventures. 让我们为学生营造环境,使他们成长为有创造性、有思想的人—懂历史、哲学、宗教、文学等等的个体。毕竟,这些学科是“自由的艺术”,学习它们可以解放思想,有助于学生对陌生、神秘事物的探求。 6. If we accept what Upham says, and we are committed to preparing our students for the real world beyond graduation, then there can be a promising future for the liberal arts in this growing age of technology. 如果我们可以接受乌帕姆所讲的话,我们就有义务帮助学生面对他们毕业后所接触的真实的世界。那么在这个技术日益发展的时代,文科才可能有光明的未来。 Unit 3 1. Indeed, globalization became the “grand strategy” of the Clinton administration, which envisioned the U.S. elite being the primus inter pares -- first among equals --- of a global coalition leading the way to the new, benign world order. 的确,全球化成为克林顿政府的“大战略”,视美国精英为能建立新的良性世界秩序的全球联盟中的首席—同等者之首。 2. “Trade liberalization has stalled, aid is less coherent than it should be, and the next financial conflagration will be managed by an injured fireman.” “贸易自由化陷入停顿,援助也未按计划贯穿始终,扑救下次金融大火的将是一位自身负伤的消防员。” 3. There has been too much dissonance between the promise of globalization and free trade and the actual results of neoliberal policies, which have been more poverty, inequality, and stagnation. 全球化和自由贸易许诺的美好前景与新自由主义贸易政策的实际结果有着太多的不一致,新自由主义贸易政策带来的是加倍的贫困、更高程度的不平等和更严重的经济停滞。 4. These agreements are in many ways more dangerous than the multilateral negotiations at the WTO since they often require greater concessions in terms of market access and tighter enforcement of intellectual property rights. 这些协议常要求就市场准入做出更大的让步、对知识产权实施更严格的保护,因此在许多方面比世贸组织的多边谈判更加危险. 5.Fifteen years since it was trumpeted as the wave of the future, globalization seems to have been a “brave new phase” of the capitalist adventure than a desperate effort by global capital to escape the stagnation and disequilibria overtaking the global economy in the 1970s and 1980s. The collapse of the centralized socialist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe deflected people’s attention from this reality in the early 1990s. 自从全球化被鼓吹为大势所趋以来,时间已经过去了十五个年头。全球化似乎并不是资本家探索开拓的“大胆的新阶段”,更多的倒是全球资本为摆脱上世纪七八十年代席卷全球经济的经济发展的停滞和不均衡所做的孤注一掷的努力。二十世纪九十年代早期中东欧中央集权的社会主义国家的解体把人们的注意力从这一事实上转移开去。 6. The urgent task is not to steer corporate-driven globalization in a “social democratic” direction but to manage its retreat so that it does not bring about the same chaos and runaway conflicts that marked its demise in that earlier era. 迫切的任务并非将受公司驱动的全球化转为“社会民主”方向,而是要妥善应付它的衰退趋势,使其不再引起与其早期消亡标志相同的混乱和失控的冲突。 Unit 4 THE long-run value of all paper currencies is zero. So why should the dollar be any different? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president decried the dollar as a “worthless piece of paper”. 所有纸币的长期价值为零,因此,为什么美元就应该与众不同呢?伊朗总统哈迈迪·内贾德诋毁美元是“一文不值的废纸”。 1. We should be concerned, but if the administration, the Federal Reserve and the Congress act responsibly, the dollar should be near its bottom and begin to rise against most foreign currencies. 我们应该担忧,但如果政府、美联储和国会采取负责任的行动,美元就应该已接近谷底并对大多数外币开始升值。 2. Many believe—and some evidently hope—that the greenback might be on its way out as an international currency. Worrying parallels are seen between the dollar's recent fall and the decline of sterling as a reserve currency half a century ago. 许多人认为(部分人显然希望)美元作为国际货币或许正在减弱。美元近来的走弱和半个世纪前英镑作为国际储备货币的落败之间,人们看到同样令人担忧的事情。 That currencies rise and fall and test records is hardly unusual. What lends the dollar's decline an air of crisis is that the world's bloated currency reserves are crammed with depreciating dollar assets. 货币价格的涨落以及压力位的创新几乎不是罕见的。给美元走弱添加危机氛围的原因是,全球庞大的外汇储备充斥着这种贬值的美元资产。 What lends the dollar's decline an air of crisis is that the world's bloated currency reserves are crammed with depreciating dollar assets. 美元下滑是危机之所在,全球臃肿的外汇储备受到美元资产贬值的影响。 3. The dollar has weathered these storms. But now it faces a nasty squall that combines both cyclical and structural blasts. Its decline in the past five years has imposed a huge capital loss on foreign-exchange reserves. If this becomes too painful, central banks may be tempted to cut their losses and dump their dollars, causing a slump in the currency's value. 美元安然度过了这三次风暴。然而,美元当下面临的强大风暴却是众多周期性气流和结构性气流的结合体。过去5年之中,美元的下跌令全球外汇储备遭受了庞大的资本损失。如果这种损失造成的痛苦过于严重,各国央行可能会考虑止损、抛售美元,这势必会导致美元暴跌。 4. Reserves are held to buttress confidence in a country's own currency, not as a float for global trading. As a backstop, reserves need to be easily convertible (so they can be used as an emergency source of liquidity) and a good store of value. 各国持有外汇储备则是为了支持对本币的信心,而不是为了将其作为外贸支付手段。因此,储备货币应易于兑换(以便在紧急情况下提供流动性),并应具备良好的保值能力。 5. Despite the anxiety and gloom, some straws in the wind suggest that the dollar's decline may soon slow. In the past few weeks it has regained ground against a handful of important currencies, including the pound and the Australian dollar. 尽管焦虑万分,忧心忡忡,但有迹象表明,美元的跌势或许很快就会减速。在过去几周中,在和包括英镑和澳元在内的几种主要货币的兑换中,美元已经回稳获利。 6. On the eve of the first world war, when Britain was the greatest trading power, the pound's share in official currency reserves was all but matched by the combined share of the French franc and German mark. After the war a three-way split was maintained, with the dollar replacing the mark. 一战前夜,英国是头号贸易强国,而英镑在官方外汇储备中的份额则与法国法郎、德国马克的份额之和大致相当。一战全球储备依然维持了三分天下的局面,只是美元取代了马克的地位。 Unit 7 1. There is today, quite rightly, a growing concern for our environment and a genuine fear that, if we do not change our ways right now, the damage we will inflict on our planet will render it incapable of sustaining-for future generations-the economy we have grown accustomed to over the better part of the past two centuries. 今天,人们越来越关心环境,而且真正担忧,如果我们现在不改变我们的方式,我们对这颗行星造成的破坏,将会使它无法位我们的后代持续发展经济,而这种经济是我们在过去的二百年里发展更好年份中已经习惯了的。 That the earth and its resources do not belong to us and are not ours to squander without thought for the future is not proving an easy lesson for us to learn, but we are gradually succeeding---or, at least, waking up to the enormity of the task that confronts us. 地球及其资源不属于我们,也不是我们可以不考虑将来就能任意挥霍的东西,这一点并没有被证明是我们可以容易接受的教训,但是我们正在逐渐走向成功——或者说,至少我们正在明白我们所面临的任务的艰巨性。 3. The pressure is mounting for every potential polluter, every user of energy and every conspicuous contributor to climate change and global warming to clean up their act and adopt greener practices. The transport industry is no exception to such scrutiny and pressure; indeed, it seems to attract more than its fair share of attention in this regard-certainly enough to ensure that environmental concerns are now high on the agenda in all of its sectors. 每一个可能带来污染的企业(行业),每一个能源使用者,每一个显而易见的致使导致气候变化和全球变暖者,需要是自己行为变得清洁, 采取环保事件做法的压力正在增加。对于这样的检查和压力,运输行业也不例外。在这一点上,运输行业似乎受到了格外关注,这些关注足以确保环境问题被提到各个部门的最高日程上。 4. IMO’s environmental work in recent years has covered a remarkably broad canvas, embracing everything, from the quality of our atmosphere to the microscopic aquatic life-forms that can be transported around the world in ships’ ballast water and deposited in alien local ecosystems where, by disrupting their delicate balance, they can cause immense damage. 近年来,国际海事组织的环保工作已经包括了从大气层的质量到水生微生物相当大的领域(范围)。水声微生物可以在压载水中被带到世界各地,并且排放到异样的生态系统中,在当地生态系统中,通过破坏其脆弱的生态系统,可以造成极大的破坏。 5.IMO’s work in this respect must be part of a broad-based effort in which everyone has a responsibility and everyone has a role to play, a concept precisely reflected in the well-known environmental call to action “think globally — act locally”. And in the long term, society will need to address its own priorities and understand that nothing comes for nothing and that there will be prices and sacrifices that we must be prepared to pay and make, for the greater good of all. 在这方面,国际海事组织的工作是无限努力的一部分。其中,每个人都有其责任,又都发挥作用。 这是一个在呼吁人们行动起来的口号中明确反映出来的:从全球考虑, 从本地做起。在很长时间内, 社会将需要解决优先考虑的事情这个问题,并且要明白没有白给的东西,还要明白,为了给所有人获得等大的利益,我们必须准备好支付和付出。 6. And in the long term, society will need to address its own priorities and understand that nothing comes for nothing and that there will be prices and sacrifices that we must be prepared to pay and make, for the greater good of all. 从长远来看,社会需要解决自身的重点问题并理解不劳则无获/天上不会掉馅饼/每一分成果都需要付出代价,为了全体的更大利益,我们必须准备好付出代价并做出牺牲。 Unit 8 1.When dusk had fallen, I should experience the double delight of being able to see by artificial light which the genius of man has created to extend the power of his sig