Thisisaletter to give you some advises base on analyzing your situation and give you
some suggestion to improve this knowledge for you
Fisty Twould talk about difference between a contract of service (employed) and a
contractfor service (selfemployed),
A contract of service (employed): when a taxpayer works as an employee and is in
he service of an employer In other words, you personally work under the control of
Someone and do not run the risks of having a business yourself_ Then irs employers
responsibility to deduct tax && NICS from your pay under PAYE and pay it to the
A contract for service (self-employed): when you work as a selfemployed who is
providing services to a client In other words,you are in business on your own
account and bear the responsibility for the success or failure of that business, Then
you are responsible for your own tax and NICs to the Revenue,
Secondly, There areanumber of additional criteria to determine whether the you were
employed or not
1,Control: The more control you have to decide when where and how the work is
done, the more likely you will be considered selfemployed, The less, the more
Tikely to be regarded as employed, Basic you situation, you can accept or reject
lient appointments as you chooses, this prove you have high degree of control of
yourjob,it means you are aselfemployee person in the company
2,Equipment: ffyou are required to provide some or all of the equipment needed to
do the work you are more likely to be considered self-employed. Because you
have always provided your own equipment and material, so T think you are a
3,Finaneial risks: You are responsible for keeping your own diary It means you
hold the financial risk for yourself The more that you bear the financial risk in the
works the more likely to be considered as selfemployed
4,Holidays and sickness: In the contract ifa person is not paid for absence and the
presence of benefits, such as paid leave, membership of firms pension, had not
Tight to enjoy it hefshe must be a selfemployer The company not paid you any
holiday pay or sick pay so Tthink you are aself-employee,
5 Exelusivity: If a person carries out duties for a single client He is more likely
considered to be employed rather than a person who carries out duties for a
number of clients (selfemployed), On the other hand,a person engaged on a
Shortterm contract may be regarded as a casual employee, Basic this point you
don't need accept further work from your company So I think you are a
6 Work performance and ceorreetion; IT a person is required to take foll
responsibility for the quality of work done and/or to carry out remedial work in his
own time and at his own cost he is more likely considered to be self-employed
An employee will normally be paid for any time required to make corrections to
his work You are responsible for keeping your own diary,
Finally you can accept or reject client appointments as you choose,which is
appropriate for the exclusivity criteria In all you are in accordance with these criteria,
therefore Tstrongly think that you are selfemployed
Taxable person:
The UK resident should pay all of income tax to the UK govemment The Non-UK
resident should pay the income tax from which earm in the UK. The UK resident
include local person,British subject and Non -British subjeet_ The Non -British
Subjeetis include stay 183 days continuous in UK or stay 91 days in UK per year and
continuous 4 years, but the premise is that the people is not be coerced and have not
relationship about health problem
Two rules governing resideney:
The 183-day mle: A person who spends 183 or more days in the UK is always
regarded as resident in the tax year
The 91-day mle: A person who has established permanent residence abroad will be
regarded as resident in tax year in the UK 让he visits the UK for gldays or more im
the tax year
Tax year
For individuals, atax year, which is also known as fiscal year or year of assessment,
mans from 6 April to the flowing 5 April inelusive, A corporation tax financial year
runs from 1 April to the following 31 March and is identified by the year in which it
begins. The tax year 2012/13 means the 12 months from 6 April 2012 to 5 April 2013,
Taxable income has to be allocated to atax yearin order to be taxed
Then_ Self-assessment is a way of establishing what tax is due, and collecting the tax
Tt does not affect the amount of tax you pay. It is the process or system by which
People who normally need to pay some tax directly to the Revenue each year notify
the Revenue of their income and related expenses, relevant allowances claimed, the
amount of tax due, and pays theirtax
Taxpayers are required to report al sources of income to the HMRC, excludes the
part of PAYE. All taxable persons have been required to complete