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北街九命猫南巷七秒鱼 上传于:2024-04-20
四年级期末阅读专项练习 ,阅读短文判断正误,正确打“V”,错误打“X We have anew classroom_ In he classroom you can see two blackboards, seven lights, two doors, foar windows one computer and three pictures_ The blackboards are blacks the iahts are white he doors are yellow the windows are yellow to 1 JWe have hree blackboards 2 JThelights arepink 34 JWe haveacomputerin the classroom 4 JThere aresix windowsin he classroom 5 How many lights are therein the classoom? 一Five 二,阅读短文,判断正误,正确写“T",错误写“F" Tike my schoolbag its black and white Js heavy because 1 have many books. There are two Chinese boaks a maths hook three English books, a_notehook and five storybooks in 让 My Pencilbox is grey Thereis an eraser along ruler three colourful pencilsinit 1like my pencilbox 1 JEdomtlike my pencilbox 24 DJMy mlerisshort 34 JIhave three Enalish books (DTEke my black and green schoolbag 5 JThere are five notcbooksin my sehoolbag 三,阅读短文,判断正误,正确写“T",错误写“F” Thave two good friends One isa girl and the other one isa boy We arein the same school The ilhas long hair and big eyes. She is beautiful She likes English and like English too The boy as blue shoes his hairis short he likes Chinese but he doesn'tlike English We are good fiends 1 JWNethree are good ffiends, 24 Jihave two girl fiends, 34 JThe gil has long hairand she likes English 4 JThe boy doesnrtlike Chinese. 5 Jike Chinese. 四,阅读短文判断正误,正确写“T",错误写“F” Weleeme io my homet In the livingroom you can see asofa aTV and wo phones We have hree bedrooms My bedroom is near the kitchen Thereisa fridge a table and four chairs init Thave Snakes here Our bathroom is very big Take showers here Like my sndy best 1ofien stndy here 1 JThere are fourbedrooms in my home, 2 JThe three phones arein the livingroom 34 JMy bedroom is near he kitchen 4 JEstudy in the bathroom 5 JIke my bed best 五,阅读短文,判断正误,正确打”V”,错误打“X"… A: Hello ,sir Good afiemoon B: Good aftemoon A: Whatwould youlike fordi