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中文: 目 录 1、前 言 ………………2 2、工程造价的发展历程 ………………2 3、工程造价管理全过程控制的必要性以及对工程造价的认识 ………………4 4、提高施工技术对工程造价的影响 …………7 5、《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的实施 …9 6、结束语 ………………12 前 言 现行建筑、装修行业,通过行贿受贿、非正当渠道获取项目。且在施工中材料以次充好,谋取暴利。诸如此例事件、案例我们在日常生活中的电视、报纸上下真所谓屡见不鲜了,在大大小小的工程项目中贪污、受贿也不是什么新鲜的事儿。再者鉴于工程项目的庞体性及大额性因素的影响。为了确保整个工程的质量,加快工程项目的发展,用最低的投资创最大的效益,做最好的产品。这样就需要我们造价人员把好经济这一关,严格控制造价管理。借此在即将毕业之际,就我对工程造价的浅薄认识谈谈我自己的观点。由于本人有限的工作经验以及专业知识的微薄,所以有不足之处还请评委、老师们多多指点。 工程造价的发展历程 一、工程造价的发展历程 工程造价管理主要包括概、预算定额,预算价格,费用定额及计价办法、规定等有关工程造价计价依据的管理。工程造价管理体制的建立是在五十年代初期,为适应当时大规模基本建设的需要而开始的。自党的十一届三中全会以来,随着国家一系列经济体制改革方针、政策和措施的相继出台,对工程造价管理方面也提出了许多新的问题,特别是党的十四大会议召开,明确了社会主义市场经济的建立之后,特别强调了工程造价管理在工程项目中的必要性,以及它对整个国民经济的影响力度。 从1949年建国初期国家开始重视国民经济的发展。投入大量的资金,大规模搞基本建设。鉴于我国当时的实际情况,没有制定出一套比较完整的计价办法。因此便组织学子从前苏联学习了一套关于预、决算的计价方法。即工程造价的初生。从此工程造价这一行业便涉入了大大小小的工程项目当中,发挥着举足轻重的作用。 在此之后,国家非常重视造价业的发展,投入了大量的资金,招揽各界资深的专家学者来研究造价体系。终于在1977年我国研制出了一套基本完善的造价管理办法。从此我国便有自己的一套计价办法。 从建国初期至今造价管理已有五十年之久的历史了,现阶段我国工程造价管理体系不断改进,不断趋于完善、不断适应社会发展。对促进我国国民经济的发展发挥着巨大的作用。 工程造价管理的认识 以及对工程造价全过程控制的必要性 一、对工程造价管理的认识: 关于工程造价的含义有多种解释,传统的理解工程造价管理就是建设项目固定投资。严格的说工程造价就是工程价格,即建设一项工程预计或实际在土地、设备建筑材料、技术劳务以及建筑安装、承包市场等交易活动中所形成的建设工程总造价,建设安装工程的价格以及构置价格等。 工程价格的构成具有一般商品的共性,即由工程成本及费用、利润和税金组成,但是与一般商品价格形成有很大区别。主要特点是动态性,任何一项工程从策划——到前期研究——决策——设计——竣工交付使用需要经历一个较长的过程。影响工程造价的因素很多,在决策阶段确定工程投资(价格)规模后,工程价格随着工程的实施不断变化,直至竣工验收工程决算后才能最终确定工程造价。 二、影响工程造价的因素 工程造价即工程价格,影响工程造价的因素主要有:它的大额性以及动态性。1、能够发挥投资效益的一项工程,不仅实物形体庞大、而且造价高昂。动辄数百万、数千万、数亿、十几亿特大型工程项目的造价可达百亿、千亿人民币。工程造价的大额性使其关系到有关方面的重大经济利益,同时也会对宏观经济产生重大影响。2、由于一项工程的工期长,设计变更、设计材料价格、地区费率的不同决定了工程造价的不稳定,这就是工程造价的特殊地位,也说明了造价管理的重要意义。 三、工程造价管理全过程控制的必要性: 谈到工程造价的管理和控制,我们便习惯地想到是工程预决算。确实就目前的体制和现实来看,工程造价管理和控制工作就是预决算,即预决算人员根据已经确定的施工图计算工程量、套用定额子目、计取费用、或在施工结束后根据图纸和施工组织设计以及现场施工签证记录、图纸变更等资料来编制竣工决算。要全面、有效地控制工程造价,取得最佳的社会效益和经济效益,就必须对工程项目的各个阶段实施全过程的控制。 在社会主义市场经济体制下,施工企业承建任务,尤其是在现行的市场中,必须通过激烈竞争才能获得。施工企业依法取得合理消耗和必要利润愈发显得重要,而施工企业的造价管理就直接关系到企业的盛衰存亡,尤其是对构成工程制造成本的工程直接费的管理体制尤为重要,因为直接费、其他直接费、现场经费,占工程总造价的80%~90%,因此工程造价管理是企业经营管理的核心工作。 四、工程造价管理存在的问题: 此外存在的问题是鉴定工作的依据问题,设计规范有国家和地方的规范,也有不同行业的规范,根据不同的规范要求,对同样的问题具有不同的抽样标准和评定标准,有时其检测数据的评定结果差异很大,问题是最终哪一本规范作为评定依据呢?另外在计算工程量上至今未开发出一种全面的适合绝大部分工程算量的造价软件,这不仅是造价人员的烦恼并且在无形中也浪费了不少的人力。由其是在当今社会讲究高效率、讲究时间就是金钱的形势下,更是大大降低了经济效益。所以在工程造价软件开发这个环节一定要加大研究力度。为以后的造价工作开发、研制出一种更便捷、高效的新型的造价软件。这也是我们所有造价人员以及全社会的呼声。 提高设计水平及施工技术 对工程造价的影响 一个工程项目影响工程造价的因素很多,例如:图纸设计、施工组织设计、施工方案等的制定对整个工程的造价也有一定的影响。 一、设计对工程造价的影响: 设计过程中,在选用材料方面对于框架结构尽量选用一些轻质的填充材料,使用这些材料不仅在材料费方面节约开支,而且对整幢建筑物来说荷载也是大大减少了,荷载减少对建筑物的影响很大,直观来说建筑物整体的荷载减少对于柱子、基础、梁等等一系列受力构件的截面积以及配筋方面就可以尽可能地节约水泥、钢材等这类主材的消耗量,这样就可以大大的降低工程总造价。 此外在设计过程中,考虑一些新型材料以及外加剂的应用也会不同程度的降低工程造价,例如:强化木地板的应用就会降低工程造价,它不仅质量比纯木地板耐磨,而且也大量的减少了木材的浪费,节约了能源。再者一些外加剂的应用,比如减水剂的有效利用在大大减少水的用量的同时,自然而然地减少了水泥的消耗量,然而在实际工程中水泥用量的减少,就可以大大的降低工程造价,为社会创造经济效益。 实际案例:位于天津市的今晚报大厦针对工程特点,结合场地条件,经过可行性研究,精心设计、研制出一套适合本工程特点,技术先进、经济合理的基坑支顶方法——内环梁支顶法。该支顶技术因地制宜地解决了超大型深基坑开挖难题,与灌注桩加锚杆和地下连续墙的围护方法相比体现出技术先进,成本降低等优越性,特别是加快了施工进度,大大减少了人工工日的消耗量,整个分部工程采用此方案与其它方案相比降低造价约93.49万元。 二、施工技术对工程造价的影响: 实际方案:位于福建省福州地区的金龙大厦的地下室结构,巧妙的运用了逆作法施工,开创了软土地基超深地下室施工的先例,为施工技术的发展起到了积极的作用。由于采用逆作法施工,对周围的建筑物道路、地下管线均未产生不良影响,作为支护技术是一个成功的范例。同时也不同程度的降低了工程造价。由其是在三层地下室的支护形式采用了冲钻孔灌注桩,由于土体的抗剪强度极度低,灌注桩的埋入深度、截面和配筋均较大,连续墙虽在单价上高于灌注桩,但因其同时具有竖向承载作用,且利用地下室自身结构作为支撑体系,节约了大量的支撑费用,其总体经济效益优于常规的支护形式。本工程采用逆作法施工较灌注桩围护加内支撑方案节约投资174. 74万元。 《建设工程工程量计价清单计价规范》 的实施 在社会主义现代化新时期,在竞争激烈的市场经济大潮中,如何求生存求发展是企业面临的一个重要课题。随着我国在2001年加入世贸组织以后,工程建设招投标体制迅速与国际先进模式接轨,同时国内施工企业也越来越多地参与境外工程招投标,原有的报价体系已远远不能满足需求。所以要求各省、自治区建设厅,直辖市建委,国务院有关部门,新疆生产建设兵团建设局,在2003年7月1日起开始实施,由中华人民共和国建设厅发布的《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》这是对我国工程造价计价方式的一次重大改革。长期以来,我国承发包计价、定价以工程预算定额为主要依据。随着我国建设市场的快速发展,招标投标制、合同制的逐步推行,工程造价计价依据改革不断深化。近几年,广东、吉林、天津等地相继开展了工程量清单计价的的试点,取得了可喜的成果。工程造价管理由静态管理模式逐步转变为动态管理模式,工程造价得到了普遍降低。因此建设工程全面实行工程量清单报价,已是势在必行。 一、工程量计价清单适应时代的需求: 工程量清单计价是一种新型的计价方法。它是在建设工程招投标中,按照国家统一工程量清单计价规范,由招标人提供工程数据,投标人自主报价,经评审低价中标的工程造价计价模式。推行工程量清单计价,是深化工程造价管理改革的重要内容,是规范建筑市场经济秩序的重要措施。工程量清单计价作为招标文件和合同文件的重要组成部分,对于规范招标人计价行为,在技术上避免招标中弄虚作假和暗箱操作,以及保证工程款的支付都会起到重要的作用。《计价规范》的发布实施,有利于建立由市场形成工程造价的机制,在充分竞争的基础上降低造价;有利于促进政府转变职能、业主控制投资、施工企业加强管理;有利于提高招投标活动的透明度;有利于在公开、公平的竞争环境中合理确定工程造价,提高投资效益。 二、工程量计价清单软件:  由于目前行业内的信息化程度越来越高,随着工程量计价清单的入世,软件开发必然是加快市场运行的首选良策。2003年10月16日,由建设部标准定额研究所组织的首批国家标准《计价规范》配套软件评审工作会议在北京召开,共十一家软件企业的工程量清单计价软件参加了评审。在此次评审工作中的软件必须满足:㈠招标人编制工程量清单的需要;㈡编制工程量清单必须符合国家标准《计价规范》四统一即项目编码统一、项目名称、计量单位和工程量计算规则统一的原则;㈢软件产品必须符合国家标准《计价规范》工程量清单和工程量清单计价的格式要求;㈣软件产品必须体现企业自主报价的原则;㈤软件产品应具备综合单价分析的功能,满足商务标的评标要求。 结束语: 价格水平是体现一个企业的管理水平、科技水平、装备水平的集中反映,通过市场化有序竞争不断提高企业综合水平和竞争能力,实现优胜劣汰,从而最终形成管理规范化、竞争有序化的社会主义建设市场秩序。让我们紧跟时代的需求,成为一名既懂工程技术,又懂工程经济和管理的复合型人才,来迎接入世后我国社会和经济大发展、建设事业新高潮的挑战。 英文: CONTENTS 1 Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 2, the course of development of project cost ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 3, project cost management and process control of the project cost need to know ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 4, construction technology to improve the impact of the project cost ... ... ... ... 7 5, "Construction Quantities standard" implementation of the ... 9 6 Conclusion ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Foreword The existing building, decoration industry through bribery, non-legitimate channels for the project. And the shoddy construction materials, making excessive profits. Events such as this case, the case in our daily lives in the television, newspapers up and down really so common, and in large and small projects in corruption, bribery is not a new thing. Furthermore, in view of the huge body of the project and the impact of large factors. In order to ensure project quality, speed up development projects, investment in innovation with the lowest maximum benefits, make the best products. So we need good economic cost to the related personnel, strict control of cost management. In graduating to the occasion, to my shallow understanding of the project cost to talk about my own point of view. Since I work with limited experience and little expertise, so there is inadequate also requested the judges, teachers, lots of pointing. Development Project Cost First, the course of development of project cost Project Cost Management includes almost, fixed budget, budget price, fixed costs and pricing methods, regulations and other relevant project cost valuation based management. Project cost management system was established in the early fifties, a large-scale infrastructure to meet the needs of the then began. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party, along with a series of national economic reform policies and measures were introduced, the management of the project cost has also raised many new issues, especially the party congress meeting made clear after the establishment of socialist market economy with special emphasis on the construction cost management project in the necessity, and the impact of its efforts to the entire national economy. Early in 1949 the State began to attach importance to the national economy. A lot of money, engage in large-scale infrastructure. Given the actual situation in China at that time, failed to work out a more comprehensive valuation approach. Therefore, the former Soviet Union will organize students to learn a set of budgets and final accounts of the valuation methods. The construction cost of the newborn. Since then the industry will be involved in project cost among the projects large and small, play a pivotal role. After that, the state attaches great importance to cost industry, put a lot of money, recruiting all senior scholars to study the cost system. Finally in 1977, China developed a basic set of sound cost management. Since then, China will have their own set of valuation methods. Cost Management from the early days has been fifty years of history, at the present stage of construction cost management system for continuous improvement, perfecting, and constantly adapt to social development. To promote the development of our national economy played a huge role. Understanding Cost Management The whole process of the project cost and the need for control I, on the understanding of project cost management: Implications on the project cost has multiple interpretations, the traditional understanding of project cost management is fixed investment projects. Strictly speaking, is the project construction cost price of building a project that is expected or actual land, equipment, building materials, technical services, and construction and installation, contract market trading activity in the formation of the total construction cost, construction and installation price Purchase price structure. Works price of the common form of general merchandise, that is, the costs and expenses, profit and tax component, but the formation of commodity prices in general is very different. The main characteristics of the dynamic nature of any project from planning - to preliminary research - decision-making - Design - completion of delivery needs to undergo a long process. Many factors affect the project cost, in decision-making stage of the project investment (price) scale, the project price as changing the implementation of the project until project completion and acceptance of the accounts before the finalization of project cost. Second, the factors affecting construction cost Project cost that works price of the factors that affect the project cost are: its large and dynamic nature. 1, can benefit from the investment of a project, not only the physical body huge and very expensive. Tens of millions, hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions, more than a billion mega project cost of up to 10 billion, 100 billion yuan. The bulk of project cost related to the parties to the significant economic benefits, but also have a significant impact on the macroeconomy. 2, due to long duration of a project, design changes, design materials prices, regional rates of different decisions on the project cost of instability, this is the special status of project cost, also shows the importance of cost management. Third, project cost management need to control the whole process: Speaking of project cost management and control, we used to think of engineering budget and final accounts. Indeed the current system and the reality, the project cost management and control is the budget and final accounts, the budget and final accounts officers have been calculated to determine quantities of construction plans, apply fixed subheadings, taking into account the cost, or, after the close of construction drawings and construction organization design and field construction visa records, drawings and other information to change the completion of final accounts preparation. To the full and effective control of project cost, to achieve the best social and economic benefits, we must at all stages of the project to control the entire process. Under the socialist market economic system, the construction companies contracted task, especially in the current market, competition can be obtained through. Consumption of construction enterprises according to law and necessary to strike a reasonable profit all the more important, and cost management of construction enterprises on the rise and fall is directly related to the survival of enterprises, especially manufacturing costs constitute a project management system project direct costs is particularly important because the direct costs, other direct costs, field expenses, accounting for 80% of total project cost is 90%, so project management cost management is the core work. Fourth, project cost management problems: In addition, problems in the identification of the work based on the problem, design a national and local norms, there are different industry norms, according to different specifications, on the same issues with different sampling criteria and evaluation standards, and sometimes the test data Assessment results vary widely, the question is which of the standard as a measure of the ultimate basis? Also in calculating the amount of the project has not developed a comprehensive calculation for the amount of the cost of most software projects, not only the trouble and cost of personnel is also in virtually wasted a lot of manpower. Stress in today's society by its high efficiency, attention to the situation, time is money, but also greatly reduced cost. Therefore, this part of project cost software development efforts must intensify research. Development costs for future work, developed a more convenient, cost effective new software. This is all of our costs as well as the voice of the whole society. To improve design and construction technology Cost of the project Impact of a project construction cost factors, such as: drawing the design, construction design, construction programs of the development cost of the whole project has some impact. First, the design of the Project Cost: The design process, the choice of materials used for the frame structure of some light as the fill material, the use of these materials not only save money in materials fees, but also for the whole building load is greatly reduced, reducing load on the building a great impact, intuitive for the overall building load reduction for columns, foundations, beams and so a series of cross-sectional area of stress component and the reinforcement areas can save as much as possible of cement, steel and other primary materials such consumption volume, so that you can greatly reduce the total project cost. In addition, in the design process, consider some new material and the application of additives will lower the project cost in varying degrees, for example: the application of laminate flooring will reduce the project cost, not only the quality of wear resistant than the pure wood floor, but also a large number of a reduction of wood waste and conserve energy.