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雨滴 上传于:2024-07-18
1.Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists are using a new technique to see fingerprints on surfaces that typically make them invisible. The method uses a technology called mini-X-ray fluorescence to detect chemical elements in fingerprints without altering them, said Christopher Worley, a scientist on the project. “The conventional methods are meant to bring out fingerprint patterns with regular light and they have to treat those with powder, which alters them,” Worley said.“With this you don't have to alter it or treat it at all. We can determine the elements in a fingerprint and get a pattern at the same time.” The technology focuses a tight beam of X-rays on surfaces with fingerprints and creates a computer picture out of those scans. The equipment costs about $175,000. “For big labs, the method could be a great way to bring out prints that can't be seen any other way,” said VahidMajidi, another lab scientist. (照应,重复) 1.美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的科学家们采用了一种新技术,可以观察到 原本很难在物体表面上看见的指纹。参与该科研项目的科学家克里斯托弗·沃尔 利说,该方法使用了一种“微X射线束荧光技术” ,可以探测到指纹携带的化学 成分,却不会改变指纹的保存状态。 沃尔利说: “传统的方法是通过常规光线使指纹显示出来,而且要借助粉末 等物质,这会改变指纹保存的状况。有了这种新方法,你根本用不着改变或处理 指纹了,我们可以测定指纹所含的化学成分,同时获取指纹图案。 ” 这项技术将一束密集的 X 光对准留有指纹的物体表面,并根据扫描结果创 建出计算机图像。 这套设备造价 17.5 万美元。 该实验室的另一位科学家瓦希德· 马 吉德表示, 对那些大实验室来说, 这是获取用其他方法看不到的印迹的最好方法。 2.Finnish scientists have invented a device to make it harder to steal mobile phones and laptops by enabling them to detect changes in their owner's walking style and then freeze to prevent unauthorized use. The device is equipped with sensors that measure certain characteristics of the user’s gait. When the device is used for the first time, these measurements are saved in its memory.Thus, it could prevent millions of portable appliances being stolen every year. The gadget would monitor the user’s walking style and check it against the saved information. If the values differ, the user would have to enter a password. Compared with passwords and traditional bio-identification, the new method is simple: confirmation of identity takes place as a background process without any need for user’s intervention.(照应或者词汇重复,连接) 2.芬兰科学家最近发明了一种用于手机和笔记本电脑等珍贵便携式电子产 品的防盗装置。 该装置能记忆主人的行走姿势,一旦发现有陌生人盗用就会使机 器停止工作。 这种防盗装置配有可以准确识别使用者步态特征的传感器。当装置 第一次被使用时,它所获得的数据就储存在了记忆库里。因此,这种防盗装置的 出现可以使小型电子产品失窃的局面得到控制。 这种装置能够检测使用者的步态,并检查是否与所存储的主人的步态一致。 一旦发现使用者的步态与原来的不同,防盗装置将会要求使用者输入密码。与常 见的密码验证和传统的生物验证方式相比较, 这种防盗装置使防盗工作变得更加 简单: 装有防盗装置的机器可以在工作的同时自动识别使用者的身份,而不需要 使用者的附加操作。 3.Why aren’t there more women physicists, and in senior positions? One factor may be unconscious biases that could keep women physicists from advancing—and may even prevent women from going into physics in the first place. Amy Bug, a physicist at SwarthmoreCollege, examined the bias question.Her research team trained four actors—two men, two women—to give a 10-minute physics lecture. Real physics classes watched the lecturers. Then the 126 students were surveyed. When it came to questions of physics ability—whether the lecturer had a good grasp of the material, and knew how to use the equipment—male lecturers got higher ratings by both male and female students. But when asked how well the lecturer relates to the students, each gender preferred their own. And while female students gave a slight preference to female lecturers, male students overwhelmingly rated the male lecturers as being superior. The research appears in the journal Physics World. Bug says the results may be evidence of inherent biases that could hold women back—along with economic inequalities, such as lower wages and smaller start-up grants, which reduce career acceleration and thus the amount of force available to crack the glass ceiling.(照应,词汇重复,连接) 3.为何女性物理学家较少,具有高级职称的也不多呢?有一个因素,即无意 识的偏见, 可能就是影响女性物理学家进步,甚至使女性无法成为物理学翘楚的 罪魁祸首。 艾米·巴格,斯沃斯莫尔学院的一名物理学家,曾研究了这个偏见问题。她 的研究团队训练了 4 名表演者--两男两女---给她们十分钟做物理学讲座,由就读 于物理系的学生去听讲座,然后对 126 名学生进行调查。 当学生对物理学科水平评价时,比如演讲者是否熟知讲课内容,是否了解如 何使用设备,男性演讲者得到的评价更高。 但是当问及演讲者与学生间的互动时,学生更认同与自己同性别的演讲者。 不过女学生仅表示出一丝对女性演讲者的偏爱, 而大多数男学生则认为男性演讲 者更优秀。此研究发表在《物理世界》这个期刊上。 巴格认为此项研究结果指出了对女性物理学家人们所持有的先天性偏见的 证据,更别说其他经济上的不平等,比如更低的工资和更少的启动津贴。这些都 会降低她们职业上的腾升速度,从而更难以积蓄力量打破升迁瓶颈了。 5.Chemical changes take place on the molecular level. A chemical change produces a new substance. Examples of chemical changes include combustion (burning), cooking an egg, rusting of an iron pan, and mixing hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide to make salt and water. Physical changes are concerned with energy and states of matter. A physical change does not produce a new substance. Changes in state or phase (melting, freezing, vaporization, condensation, sublimation) are physical changes. Examples of physical changes include crushing a can, melting an ice cube, and breaking a bottle. A chemical change makes a substance that wasn't there before. There may be clues that a chemical reaction took place, such as light, heat, color change, gas production, odor, or sound. The starting and ending materials of a physical change are the same, even though they may look different.(词汇重复,词汇搭配关系) 5.化学反应发生在分子水平上。 化学反应能够生成新的物质, 比如, 氧化 (燃 烧) 、煮鸡蛋、铁锅的生锈以及盐酸和氢氧化钠反应生成盐和水。 物理反应是与能量和物质状态相关的。一个物理反应不会生成新的物质。发 生在形状和相态(熔化、凝固、汽化、液化、升华)的变化是物理反应,比如, 罐状容器被压扁、冰块融化、瓶子破碎。 化学反应使物质发生质的变化(不同于原物质的性质) 。像光、热、颜色变 化、气体生成、气味或者声音都是伴随着化学反应发生的。虽然物质形状不同, 但是物理反应的起始物质和最终物质的本质是相同的。 6.Many believe that science is merely a collection of facts, that it develops by the gathering of these facts and slowly approaches the truth about nature. According to this view, the so-called scientific method is the basis for scientific development. The scientific method is said to have three steps. The first step is that of careful observation---- often involves looking for relationships among different kinds of events. If a specific relationship seems to be true in a number of cases, without any exceptions, then it may be hypothesized that the relationship holds in general. The second step of the scientific method may be the formulation of such a general hypothesis. Or it may be an attempt to explain phenomena by theorizing the existence of a deeper reality. Examples of the 3 -latter are the atomic theory of matter and the wave theory of light. No one has over actually seen an atom with the eye nor seen light travel as a wave; that is why we call them theories or hypotheses rather than facts. The value of such theories is that they can be used to explain many unobservable phenomena. A good theory then, results in a more unified view of nature. When a theory brings together many phenomena under a single concept, the hypothesized relationship is called a natural law. The third step, the testing of the theory, may involve further experimental testing of hypothesized relationships. Or it may be experimental verification of new phenomena predicted by a new theory. For example, Einstein’s theory of relativity predicted that mass could be changed into energy; and energy into mass (this is the meaning for the famous equation E=mc2). That this change might be possible had not previously been thought of, but a few years after Einstein’s prediction it was experimentally verified. (重复,连接:时间关系) 6.很多人认为,科学只是事实的积累,科学通过收集这些事实而获得发展,并 慢慢地接近自然真理。 根据这一观点, 所谓科学的研究方法正是科学发展的基础。 科学的研究方法可以包括三个阶段。 第一阶段----仔细观察阶段,常常需要寻找各种事件之间的关系。如果某一 特定关系在很多情况下看来都正确而无一例外, 则可以假设这种关系是普遍存在 的。 科学研究方法的第二阶段可能是将这种一般的假设公式化, 也可能是试图通 过对更深刻的现实存在进行推理来解释各种现象。 物质的原子理论和光的波动理 论就属于后一种情况。 从未有人亲眼看到过原子,也没有人看到光以波浪形式传 播,这就是为什么我们把它们称作理论或假设,而不称作事实。这种理论的价值 就在于,他们可以用来解释许多无法观测的现象。因此,一个好的理论能够使人 们在对自然的认识方面达成更好的共识。 如果某种理论能够通过一个概念把许多 现象划归为一类,那么这个假设关系就成为自然定律。 第三阶段, 即检验真理阶段,可能需要对所假设的关系通过实验进一步加以 检验,也可能通过实验来证明新理论所预言的新现象。爱因斯坦的相对论预言, 质量可以转变为能量,能量也可以转变为质量(这就是著名的方程式 E=mc2 的 含义) 。以前从未想到够这一转变是可能的,但是在爱因斯坦提出这个预言几年 后,这一点就被实验所证明了。 8.Thanks to its simplicity and scalability, electromagnetic induction is still the technology of choice among many of the remaining companies in the wireless-charging arena. But, as Splashpower found, turning the theory into profitable practice is not straightforward. One of the main difficulties for companies has been persuading manufacturers to incorporate charging modules into their devices. But lately there have been some promising developments. The first is the f