吴华增 WU Hua-zeng
(悉尼大学商学院,悉尼 2008)
(School of Business,University of Sydney,Sydney 2008,Australia)
摘要: 20世纪中期以后,随着金融市场的高速发展,金融结构越来越复杂,金融创新日新月异,金融机构的种类、数量和业务规模都不断发展。各国对消费者保护的呼声愈来愈强,消费者保护逐渐被纳入到金融监管目标体系中,作为一项重要的监管内容。
Abstract: After the middle of the 20th century, with the rapid development of financial market, financial structure is more and more complex, financial innovation changes with each passing day, the types, quantities and business scales of financing institution ar