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眉间雪 上传于:2024-05-20
1.What attracts you most about Nestle? In my opinion,nestle is the best food and beverage company, and I have the great passion for the food and beverage industry. Besides,nestle is a well-established company that offers long-term career development.,I have the enthusiasm to succeed in future long term career. 2.What do you think is the most important “quality” in being successful in terms of career development? (1) pragmatic: as a new graduate,I have a lot of things to learn, what I will do in the first year is to do every things as well as I can. (2) responsible: take responsibility of my job and do it whole-heartedly,which definitely will bring me good results.  (3) honest: want to be promoted should firstly been trusted.  (4) team working: co-operate to meet team goals even at expense of  3.where do you see yourself 3-5 years from now and how do you evaluate yourself in terms of strength and weakness?  (1) i always talk to my classmates that is obvious to see where you will be in 3-5 years now, in the purpose of motivated them to take responsibility for themselves but not playing games day after day where will be me:  (2) i see myself in 3-5 years in the ranking of successful man! (3) I think I can be a senior in human resource management,after the two-year on-the-job training program (4) in 3-5 years i think i can be a team leader of sales or marketing. strength: down-to-earth, responsible, honest, team working, good at learning. all of them have been proven in my part-time jobs. weakness: lack of experience, not from a famous university, oral english not enough.  4.when you choose from our open positions, what is your base for your priority setting and why? my priority setting is interest and then location.  when I was a sophomore,I set my mind to find a job related to human resource management,and now nestle provides the job, human resource management, which is a great match of my interest. I want to work in Beijing,because it is near my hometown,and my parents hope me to develop there. 5. please describe your biggest non-academic achievement in the past years. what’s the critical obstacle you face