
Unit 8 The food we eat 教案.doc

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Unit 8 The food we eat 一、教学设计思路和依据 一、教材分析:①分析本课的教学内容在整个单位乃至全册、整套教材知识体系中的逻辑地 位;②分析本课的教学内容特点(含重点、难点)。 二、教学对象分析:①分析学生在学习本课教学内容的知识(指原有知识)准备状况;②分 析学生在学习本课教学内容的学习(指学习需求、学习动机、积极性等)准备状况。 三、教案设计思路:如何根据教材特点和学生实际组织编排教材,设计练习,选择教学方法, 准备教具学具及现代化教学手段。 教材分析: 本节课内容为牛津英语教材上海版六年级上册Module 3 Unit 8 The food we eat单元的第三课时,主题为Buying different food,主要涉及的句型有Have you bought any...? Yes, I’ve bought some...; Where did you buy it/them? In the market/supermarket, at the ...stall/in the ... Section; How much was it/were they? It was/They were...。新词有market, section, stall, frozen food。话题衔接上两个课时的Dinner menu主题而展开,李太太为家人准备晚餐,去市场和超市两个地方购物,在比较价格之后选择了更为便宜的食物。文本内容主要为购物结束后Kitty, Ben和Mrs Li关于购得食品的价格、购买地点的对话。购物和食物的话题,学生并不陌生,这样的话题从小学开始他们就已经在不断接触。因此,他们不难理解课文中呈现出来的情境,也对本课话题抱有一定的兴趣。但与从前的学习相比,这节课的语言知识在难度上有了一个较大的跨越,一是时态问题,本节课的文本涉及了现在完成时和一般过去时两个时态,其中,现在完成时学生还处在接触感知阶段,并没有进入到系统的学习阶段。过去时学生虽已学过,但这一直是学生的一个难点。此外,这节课还涉及了可数名词和不可数名词及其相应代词的用法,以及介词in和at的用法,特别是在in the...section, at the ... stall中的用法区别。可以说,这是一节对学生来说挑战较大的课。结合学生的知识储备情况,我将本节课的教学目标分为两个:能够正确地使用in the supermarket, in the ... section; in the market, at the ... stall(涵盖新词和介词的用法),能够用How much was it/were they?询问和比较价格。教学重点我主要放在句型How much was it/were they?的学习和运用,教学难点则是用文本中涉及的几个句型进行对话,谈论购买不同的食物。而文本中的Have you bought any...? Yes, I’ve bought some...句型,我只要求学生能理解并朗读,并不要求他们灵活运用。这样的教学目标制定和教学重难点的划分,我认为是较为符合六年级上学期的教学实际的。 教学对象分析: 我所任教的这个班级为本校洞泾学校六(3)班的学生,为了更多更好地了解学情,我利用自己的主场优势,承担了这个班级本单元前两个课时的教学工作。在上课过程中我发现,这些孩子对英语学习有着极大的热情和兴趣,但是他们的英语基础较为薄弱,语言表达能力不强,朗读和说话能力都较为欠缺。因此,在设计这节课时,我以扎实为主要风格,力求环节的难度与学生水平相当,环节与环节之间的难度,也呈现逐渐递增的规律,使学生一步一步、扎扎实实地学习这节课。在前两个课时的学习中,我也逐渐与学生培养默契,使他们能快速理解并执行我的指令,为了激发他们的学习积极性,我对举手回答问题的学生多有言语上的鼓励,另外对于表现特别积极的孩子,我还有一些物质上的小小奖励。这一系列的激励措施大大调动了学生的学习积极性和学习信心。 教学设计思路: 这节课包括57页和58页两页内容,57页主要是at the...stall的四个短语以及食品价格的比较,58页是一段对话以及对话的练习,涉及句型Have you bought any...? Yes, I’ve bought some... Where did you buy it/them? In the..., at the... Stall/in the ...section. How much was it/were they? It was/They were...。如何将这两页的内容合理地糅合在一起上呢?在仔细研读教材之后,我决定合理利用教材里原有的情境,以前两个课时的内容为基础,创设出Mrs Li为了买到更便宜的食物,既去了市场,又去了超市,在比较价格之后最终买到便宜食物的情境。 那么如何学习新词?我以学生爱好上超市购物这一点为切入点,以一张超市的图片引导学生学习超市的五种区域及相应介词:in the vegetable/frozen food/fruit/seafood/meat section,并以对话的形式练习词汇与句型: S1: Where can you buy garlic/pork/milk/apples/prawns in the supermarket? S2: I can buy it/them ______in the supermarket, in the _____section. 然后以一个问题Where else can we buy food?引导学生学习market以及at the vegetable/fruit/fish/meat stall,并以难度稍微提高的对话练习巩固运用相应词汇与句型: S1: Where can you buy _____ in the market? S2: I can buy it/them ______in the market, at the _____stall. 接着,我链接前两个课时中Mrs Li为晚饭购物的情境,让学生找出购物清单上的五种食物在市场和超市的不同价格,并猜测想买实惠食品的Mrs Li最终在哪里购买每种食物。在学生完成价格的填写和购物地点的猜测之后,让学生进行对话: S1: Where did Mrs Li buy…? S2: In the ____, at the ____ stall/in the ____ section. S1: How much was it/were they? S2: It was/They were ____ yuan. 此时的对话中顺理成章地增加了本课时的重点句型How much was it/were they?It was/They were ____ yuan.学生在对话过程中,既能巩固到句型Where did Mrs Li buy…?In the ____, at the ____ stall/in the ____ section,又能练习新句型,在难度上是又一次递增。 在学生对这两个句型的练习已经较为扎实之后,我以听对话填空的形式引出了58页的文本,重点讲解了have bought的含义,并让学生以跟读磁带、男生女生分角色朗读以及同桌之间对话的多种形式朗读文本,为接下来的语言输出环节做扎实的铺垫。 接下来是语言输出的环节,此时,学生需要进行三个回合的对话,难度再一次提高,因此在环节设计上,我特别突出了环节之间的难度梯度,第一次输出时,给学生提供了较多的支持材料: Kids: Have you bought any ___? Mrs Li: Yes, I’ve bought some ___. Kids: Where did you buy it/them? Mrs Li: In the market, at the ____ stall./ In the supermarket, in the ___ section. Kids: How much was it/were they? 第二次输出,我增加了难度: Kids: Have you bought…? Mrs Li: Yes, I’ve bought… Kids: Where did you...? Mrs Li: In the ..., at the ___stall/in the ___ section. Kids: How much...? Mrs Li: It was/They were... 到此时为止,学生应该已经能够较为流利地用句型框架进行对话,基本上已经实现了教学目标。但我在研究教材时,一直有一个想法,即教材里面透露出来的意思是买到便宜的食物是聪明的做法,我承认这一点,但不希望学生局限于这一点。所以,在最后,我为学生设计了一个语言输出的环节,难度比前面的环节又更增加一步,在这个环节中,我介绍了我们洞泾的市场和超市,将英语学习与学生生活联系起来,然而让学生看我前一天的购物单,以及购物单上的食品在洞泾市场和洞泾吉买盛超市的价位,让他们猜一猜这些食物是在哪里买到的,以角色扮演的形式进行对话: Miss Zhang: Have you bought…? Her husband: Yes, I’ve bought… Miss Zhang: Where...? Her husband: In the ..., at the ___stall/in the ___ section. Miss Zhang: How much...? Her husband: ... 最后,我将每种食物在哪里购得的答案揭晓,选择有些食物是因为更便宜,选择有些食物是因为更新鲜,还有一些是因为更好吃(如超市的猪肉比市场的好吃)。这样,让学生在进行购物选择时可以考虑更多的因素,做一个更明智的购物者。 二、教案 课 题 M3U8 Buying different food 第 3 课时 教 学 目 标 To understand and use “in the market, at the ... stall” and “in the supermarket, in the ... section” correctly by picture talking and making dialogues To use “How much was it/were they? ” to compare and find out prices 教 学 重 点 To use “How much was it/were they? ” to compare and find out prices 教 学 难 点 To talk about buying different food using the sentence patterns of this lesson 现代媒体准 备 (含教具、学具) PPT课件 课 前 准 备 ︵ 含 预 习 布 置 ︶ 实地拍摄照片若干 要求学生复习P55,56页的课文和单词 教案续1 板书设计: M3U8 Buying different food in the supermarket, in the vegetable/seafood/frozen food/fruit/meat section in the market, at the vegetable/fish/fruit/meat stall How much was it/were they? It was/They were... 练习设计(需充分考虑优等生与后进生的训练) Ask and answer A. S1: Where can you buy garlic/pork/milk/apples/prawns in the supermarket? S2: I can buy it/them ______in the supermarket, in the _____section. B. S1: Where can you buy _____ in the market? S2: I can buy it/them ______in the market, at the _____stall. Make a dialogue according to the table INCLUDEPICTURE \d "C:\\Users\\pc\\AppData\\Roaming\\Tencent\\Users\\247396535\\QQ\\WinTemp\\RichOle\\C522@%~KE6M1Q5KF$%I17K3.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET  S1: Where did Mrs Li buy…? S2: In the ____, at the ____ stall/in the ____ section. S1: How much was it/were they? S2: It was/They were ____ yuan. 3. Make Mrs Li’s dialogues with her children A. Kids: Have you bought any ___? Mrs Li: Yes, I’ve bought some ___. Kids: Where did you buy it/them? Mrs Li: In the market, at the ____ stall./ In the supermarket, in the ___ section. Kids: How much was it/were they? Mrs Li: It was/They were ___ yuan. B. Kids: Have you bought…? Mrs Li: Yes, I’ve bought… Kids: Where did you...? Mrs Li: In the ..., at the ___stall/in the ___ section. Kids: How much...? Mrs Li: It was/They were... 教案续2 教学过程: Step 1: Lead the topic by picture talking T: What is this place in the picture? Ss: It’s a supermarket. T: Do you like going shopping in the supermarket? Ss: Yes! T: What can you buy in the supermarket? Ss: I can buy... Step 2:. Learn some phrases by picture talking and making dialogues A. in the vegetable/frozen food/meat/seafood/fruit section S1: Where can you buy garlic/pork/milk/apples/prawns in the supermarket? S2: I can buy it/them ______in the supermarket, in the _____section. B. at the vegetable/fish/meat/fruit stall S1: Where can you buy _____ in the market? S2: I can buy it/them ______in the market, at the _____stall. Step3: Find out the different prices of the food Mrs Li wanted to buy in the market and the supermarket and make dialogues accordingly A. Compare and find out the different prices of the food in the market and in the supermarket  B. Make a dialogue S1: Where did Mrs Li buy…? S2: In the ____, at the ____ stall/in the ____ section. S1: How much was it/were they? S2: It was/They were __