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南城情话北海情书 上传于:2024-06-08
人力资源部经理 manager of human reaources 百忙中抽空 take time from one’s busy schedule 倒时差 get over the jet-lag 杂技表演 acrobatic show 确认函 confirmation letter 双人间double room 豪华套房 deluxe suite 洗熨部 Laundry Service 邮电post and telecommuications 海外部主任 director of the overseas department 感到骄傲和荣幸 be pround and honored 外宾专用别墅 villas for overseas visitors 字面意思literal meaning 投资热 investment boom 全面对外开放open the whole country up to the outside world 沿海城市coastal city 内地interior area 有利可图profitable 最大限度maximize 幅员辽阔massive land 消费者市场consumer market 诱人的投资政策attractive investment policy 管理知识managerial expertise 合资/独资企业 joint venture/solely funded enterprise 由汽车驱动的国家 a country driven by automobiles 行车限速 speed limit 出公差 business trip 租车服务业 car rental service 调查结果 survey 强制性化验 mandatory testing Top-notch 顶尖 Clear up 天气转好 Check-in 登记住宿 Travel agency 旅行社 Express mail 快递 Fitness exercise 健身 Gracious invitation 友好邀请 Distinguished group 杰出人士 School break 党校假期 Foreign firm 外国公司 Investment destination 投资目的地 Consultant 顾问 Correct observation正确的看法 Way of life 生活方式 Drive-in bank “免下车”银行 International driver’s license 国家的驾驶执照 Federal expressway 州际高速