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谢怜花城 上传于:2024-07-14
Unit9 SectionA(1a-2d)精品教案 Teaching and learning Goals: In this lesson, the students will identify the countable nouns and the uncountable nouns and get to know the rules of noun plural forms. Students will also learn how to ask and express someone's likes and dislikes about food with the sentence pattern "Do you like...? Yes, I do./No, I don’t." They can get the information about their classmates’ favorite food or other things. Step I. Pre-listening activities 1. Preview T: Let’s have a small game named“brainstorm”.Please list as many words as you can about the names of some food-- vegetables and fruits . And get students to write down the words, then check who writes the most words in the class. And encourage him or her. Then ask students to check answers for 1a.[d i f h b g c j e a ] 2. Warming up and leading in T: What’s this in English? (showing a picture of orange ) S: It’s an orange. T:I have a orange . Do you have an orange? (asks a girl student) S1: No, I don’t. T: Does she have an orange? (asks other students) Ss: No, she doesn’t. T: Do you have an orange? (asks a boy student) S2: Yes, I do. T: Does he have an orange? (asks other students) Ss: Yes, he does. T: I like oranges. Do you like oranges? Ss: (helped by the teacher) Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. (2)The teacher shows students some oranges. T: What are these in English? Ss: They’re oranges. T:I have two oranges. Do you have oranges? Ss: No, I don’t. T:I like oranges. Do you like oranges? Ss: (helped by the teacher) Yes, I do./No, I don’t. (设计意图:(1)部分是复习第五单元所学习的句型为本单元的学习做过渡性铺垫,(2)部分以实物展现的方式导入新课所要学习的句型Do you like..?) (Present the other three words like the above: pear, strawberry, banana) T: We can call all of these things fruit. (Teach the new word fruit.) Show the pictures and ask the Ss to spell the plural forms of these words: oranges, apples, pears, strawberries, bananas. (2) Get the Ss to talk about their likes and dislikes in pairs and then in groups, by using the sentences: I like … (and …). But I don’t like … (or …). We/They like … We/They don’t like … (3) Repeat step (1) to present carrot, carrots, tomato, tomatoes and vegetable, vegetables. (4) Get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs, using the sentences: Do you like …(s/es)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (5) Present some more words by showing pictures. Get the Ss to make an effort to pronounce and spell the new words by the phonetic symbols. Ask the Ss to guess if the girl and the boy on the picture like the things shown on the screen. Then get them to ask and answer in pairs like: Does she/he like…? Yes, she/he does. / No, she/he doesn’t. Step II. While-listening activities 1. Listening for the general idea of 1b The main idea of the three conversations in 1b is to talk about   . A sport they like and dislike B food they like and dislike C school things they like and dislike Ask students to check the answer: B 2. Listen to the conversations more carefully and find the specific ideas Ask the Ss to listen again and number the conversations [1-3]. Then ask the Ss to check the answers. [2 1 3] 3. 2a (1) Show Ss pictures about food, and lead them to say the food. (2) Students listen to the conversation and circle the food they hear. Then check answers. 4. Listen to the conversations more carefully and find the specific ideas (1) Listen again and fill in the blanks of 2b. (设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们听大意和听细节信息的能力,所以先帮助学生听出每个对话的大意再去完成后面对应的细节题。) 2c.Pair work and group work Show Ss pictures about food, and students ask and answer their like and dislike. The teacher can make a sample. T: Do you like hamburgers? (asks a boy student) S1: No, I don’t. T: Does he like hamburgers? S2: No, he doesn’t. T: Do you like salad? (asks a girl student) S3: Yes, I do. T: Does she like salad? S4: Yes, she does. Then give the Ss some time to practice and ask several pairs to talk about their likes and dislikes. Step Ⅳ.Reading for 2d 1. Scanning Lead students to guess what the three boys in the picture are talking about. Then students read the drill quickly and find it. The three boys are talking about__________. A food for a birthday dinner B sports C colors Check the answer: A (设计意图:根据课本中的图片,请同学们预测三个男生在谈论什么话题,激发学生读的兴趣,而后学生速读,获取信息,并看看三个男生在谈论什么话题是否与自己的预测相符,培养学生的阅读概括能力。) 2. Carefully reading. Ask students to read carefully and fill the chart below. Whose(谁的) birthday party when何时 What kinds of food to prepare(准备什么种类的食物) vegetables fruit other food(其他的食物) Then check answers. After reading. (1)Play the tape Students listen to it and imitate. (2)Students discuss in groups and try to retell the drill . ________ birthday party is ______ ______.Tom, Jack and Bill _____ ______the food. Jack doesn’t like ______,but John likes it. They will(将要) have salad,_______ ,strawberries and_______ then. (设计意图:读后听磁带跟读或模仿,注意自己的音调和语调。最后根据表格内容,改写对话,再次内化语言知识。) StepⅤ. Inquiry into knowledge by translation 1.你能从下列句子中发现什么呢? I like bananas. I like rice. I don’t like pears. I like milk. 名词 I like hamburgers. I don’t like bread. I don’t like oranges. I like tomatoes. I don’t like strawberries. (1)可数名词可以用数目计算,有____和____形式。可数名词复数有_____变化和不规则变化两种情况。 规则变化主要有以下几种: ①一般情况下,直接在词尾加___,例如:orange→______. ②以s, x, ch, sh结尾的单词,在其后加-es,例如:watch→______ ③以辅音字母y加结尾的单词,需要变 _为i,再加-es,例如:strawberry→______ ④以o结尾的单词,有生命的,在词尾加-es, 例如:tomato→______;无生命的,在词尾加-s,例如:photo→______. (2)不可数名词无_____,不能直接用不定冠词a/an和数词one等修饰,但可以加上其他的词来修饰,如a cup of milk ______ 2.Do you like bananas? ____________ Do they like pears?______________ Does he/she like tomatoes? ___________________ (1)其中do 是___词,它的第三人称单数形式是_____,帮助构成一般疑问句。 肯定回答Yes, I /they _____. Yes, he/she_____. 否定回答No, I/they don’t. No,